Thursday, April 28, 2005

My roommates- Mi hermano menor-Part I

Landry is the guy I share the bedroom with . I met him at the end of October 2004.
We didn't hang out a lot at the beginning; we would speak about this and that, but nothing that would make us get to know each other deeply.
He is the kind of guy I call "observadores".He might be with a bunch of people having a wonderful time,however,he will take a moment to see the world around.
What I like about him is that in spite of the fact that he is young he has a sense of maturity,like he won't speak unless he has something really important to say.
Lando is such an easy person to be around, I have never seen him in a bad mood.The first thing I see in the mornings when I wake up is his smile (well, after he has taken a shower, before that... He is so sleepy :) I guess the only one who can wipe that smile off his face it's me...yep! I am what people usually call "un insoportable".Gosh, he is so patient with me!
One day I did something I thought would teach him a lesson, but the truth is that He got so mad, I thought he would punch me...I was not afraid though!
Lando's heart is so freaking BIG! He says he has changed a lot;its hard to think about him being otherwise.
His walking with the Lord is one of the things that encourages me a ton! And this is part of the maturity I mentioned a couple of lines above.If he ever leaves, I will take with me part of his passion, his heart,his love for others...His love for JESUS!
Recently, I got to realize why he is in my life...Blessings are the things that God continuous to bestow on me, and Landry is one of them.
As for the bad things...? He is the only one to know that,no room for them in this blog.
What I like about you:
When you speak "castellano"
When you key
When you say..."y bueno"
when you have clowns for breakfast, lunch or dinner
you like oldies
When you give me huggs
When you read the Bible to me
When you are there every time I need you
Thanks for loving me!

Saturday, April 23, 2005

the real meaning.

Well, I have to say that last night I felt more inspired to blog than I do this morning but still I will do it.
The last two blogs I posted are the things that pretty much are in my heart...
thats why I feel like focusing on lyrics today.
This guy-Jeremy Camp...his lyrics are amazing!
Its so cool when you get to understand the concept of a song...its meaning.
Back in highschool, I would listen to a bunch of songs and honestly the only thing I liked about them was the rhythm...I couldnt speak English back then so getting to understand the real meaning of them was kind of a mission:impossible.
But the truth is that I cant blame on songs in a foreign language b/c even when I hardly listen to Argentine(en castellano) music today, I used to do it in my teenage years and I wouldnt pay attention to the lyrics either. Most of the time I would end up singing songs that were horrible...
Oh! there's a song that just poped into my head, its called "Wind of change", this is funny, the dj would play the song, and every single human being would jumped to the "pista" to dance with his/her endless love, and they would whisper the song as if they were performing an anthem of love...well, in fact they were doing it, but not to love, but to freedom! Que navos que eramos!!
Anyways,this is an "episode" that change my concept of listening to music. I knew this girl,who after coming back from Canada and being part of a exchange student program, her English was almost perfect.If there is something cool about going dancing is to have a friend in the right place... and guess what? the dj happened to be a friend of mine,so some times I would be a sort of secretary for my other friends who would request so many songs.
One night she wanted to listened to this song by Roxette "Spending my time" and she sort of explain to me what the song was about and from then on I decided that I would pay special attention to all the songs that I listened to.Sometimes, I was really surprised by most of them, and some others I was more than disappointed!
...WOW! all these memories take me back to the weekends when going out every Saturday night was freaking awesome during my youth, mainly b/c at the disco almost at the end of the night they would played all these "lentos"...Oh my gosh!! Those songs are incredible...I say "are" 'cause most of them are still "Hotel California", "I dont know much","Against all odds","Against the Wind",and so on.
I got to realize that music is quite an interesting channel for pouring out your heart and not just a combination of notes and words...I guess when you are young the only thing you want to listen to is your own voice and your own words.You want the whole world to understand what you have to say...I never wrote a song but I did write some other stuff...(thats for another blog).
I would encourage you not just to listen to the rhythm of a song, but to listen to the lyrics...
If you are not a Christian I encourage you as well to listen to this guy(Jeremy Camp), who performs Christian music...and some others like Shane & Shane, Casting Crowns,Caedmon's call, Third day and why not Danilo Montero (one of my roomate and brother's favourite).
If you are already a Jesus' friend, you know what I am talking about...
And as regards my last two blogs...those songs speak for theres nothing to add.

Thursday, April 21, 2005

Holding on...

Every single word I say
You know it before I speak
You know every thought
The deepest part of me
You draw me closer than I see
Your presence is every thing I need to be
The child that you've created me to be
I'm ready now to see it your way
I lay down my pride
My desires my demise
I'm ready now to see it your way
I'm done I'm thru ignoring you now it's true
I'm kneeling at the cross of your grace
Lay down my pride
I was faced with passing time
But I knew the choice was mine
To finally come to you
And give you all control
I've wandered miles to find my way
And then you revealed this simple faith
I know that you can see the secrets of my soul
The cross the blood you shed for me
Your back was ripped and bruised
So I can know your love
I kneel I bow to you my king

Jeremy Camp (My disire)

Monday, April 18, 2005

The pain inside

It's funny that way,
you can get used to the tears and the pain.
What a child will believe!
You never loved me
You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself
Seems like yesterday
I lay down next to your shoes and I prayed
For your anger to end
Oh Mother I have sinned
Oh Mother, if you never wanted to live that way
if you never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away?
Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too


Saturday, April 16, 2005


Una de las cosas que más me disgustan acerca de mi es cuando borro con el codo lo que escribo con la mano.
Hace un par de días atrás tuve esta pequeña erupción volcánica dentro mio donde lo único que parecía expulsar era sentimientos encontrados, que poco tenían que ver con lo que realmente me estaba pasando. Ese papel de actor de novela barata en el que me puse, ahora que estoy mucho más tranquilo, fue una estupides.
De lo que estoy hablando es acerca de la sin sentido y ridícula teoría de querer cerrar mi corazón para no quedar al descubierto, para ser menos vulnerable y bla, bla, bla...A veces pienso que pertenecer al grupo de los argentinos que lo único que hacen todo el día es quejarse y no hacer nada para cambiar aquello que supuestamente los está molestando, es lo decisión más comoda que puedo tomar.
Además, what the heck is wrong with me? Me estoy dejando llevar por mis sentimientos y estoy ignorando lo que Dios me esta diciendo por medio de su palabra...
Anoche estuve hablando con un amigo por teléfono y me hizo entender que estaba completamente equivocado, que cerrar mi corazón no era una buena idea y que debía hablar con las personas que más tenga confianza de lo que pasa en mi corazón.
Muchas veces escucho la palabra de Dios y no hago lo que debería hacer. Y esa es parte de mi frustración...y creo que es lo que Santiago dice en su carta:
James 1: 22-24
22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.Esto que está escrito acá es exactamente lo que soy YO! Muchas de las veces leo, analizo y entiendo lo que dicen las diferentes cartas o pasajes, pero dejo escapar el hecho de que leer es sólo el primer paso, el segundo es HACER lo que la Biblia me ordena que haga...Pareciera como que a veces todo lo que esta escrito ahí, lo veo como una simple sugerencia. ¡Qué zapallo que soy!
Santiago sigue diciendo:
Jamnes 1:25
25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it–he will be blessed in what he does.
Durante la convesación hablabamos de cómo le va en sus estudios, cómo le va en este bendito país y ese tipo de cosas...pero un un momento me preguntó cómo estaba yo y cómo estaba mi corazón, a lo que yo respondí con una evasiva, mi nueva resolución de no compartir con nadie más lo que pasa en mi corazón, no me dejo lugar para otra cosa. Igualmente, el insistió y le explique lo que yo pensaba y lo que había decidido y sin mas me contestó con un versículo:
13Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-16)
(Lo que esta en bastardilla fue lo que de hecho me dijo, pero quise copiar el resto para no sacar contexto)
Me hizo ver que estaba completamente equivocado y que esas son el tipo de mentiras que satanás nos dice para hacernos creer que estamos completamente solos y que nadie nos quiere...Oops! creo que hasta un cierto punto yo lo estaba creyendo, deje que satanás me volviera a enganiar.
La conversación fue más extensa, pero en resumen, sentí que no puedo ser tan cabeza dura y tirar todo por la borda tan rápido sin siquiera pensar un poco más de lo común. Usar un poco más mi cabeza y no ser tan "sencible".
En cuanto a borrar con el codo lo que escribi con la mano, que puedo decir? Soy muy impulsivo y a veces digo o hago cosas de las que después me arrepiento.

Monday, April 11, 2005

I wanna join the club!

Here I am, its almost one a.m. and I feel like being up the whole nite.
The thing is that I was on my bed reading and translating something for a friend of mine with the idea that eventually I would fall asleep but it didnt happen.So I got up and here we go...
Today, I got to make an important decision. Some people would say new resolution.
Today, I got to close my heart again,like it used to be when I was not a Christian. I think that pouring out my heart was one of the biggest mistakes ever.
I should have kept it that way for ever. Not matter what some people say (sorry JS!).
Sometimes its better that way. When you open up your heart that makes you weak, freaking stupid.
What's with sharing burdens? does it make any difference? maybe, but 99.99% is useless. There are tons of things happening in our lives but HEY! wake up! Thats our life and we have to deal with it,dont We?
Dont get me wrong! I am a Christian and I know that the only who can help me in my distress is God...the bs,but what's with telling stuff to people about us...will anything change in our real world? I dont think so.
And so far, I keep sinning b/c deep inside I know I am still taking control of my life and trying to solve my problems by myself.
I know what you're thinking right now: Fabian, if sharing burdens is meanigless, Why are you blogging?
Right! Thats the point, d'you remember my first blog? "who do we write for?" well, I think we write for ourselves, to say things that we woundnt say to ourselves otherwise...unless, you enjoy talking about the weather or how confused you are for not being able to choose between wearing a t-shirt or a shirt to go out for dinner!
Anyway, I feel I have let people know a lot about me,this is the exact time to shut my pie hole.

so, I guess from now on...I will love talking about trivial facts.
hey, welcome me to the club...this is hilarious!

Friday, April 08, 2005

Old memories from the 80's

Something funny happened today while Seba "Gaucho" and Gimena were putting things away in the Student Life Office. They found this magazine, mainly lyrics and tabs from these two Argentine singers from de 70's and 80's. Cesar "Banana" Pueyrredon and Alejandro Lerner, both of them being sort of popular these days among people my age.
Ok, the thing is that I was a Cesar "banana" fan. I love his music, his lyrics are absolutely awesome.
I used to work at the local radio station back home (General Alvear-Bs.As.), when a workmate first introduced me to Pueyrredon music, the very first minute I listened to his songs...I decided to start buying his albums.
Anyways,people!! If you have the chance to listen to one of his songs you will realize what I am talking about. Some people will say: the music is so from those times, but just listen to the lyrics and you will see. Hey, nobody is perfect, some lyrics are kinda funny though.
However, the most important thing about it is that my old highschool flame got to like him as well. And those memories came into my mind today when these guys found the magazine.
What songs do I recommend? Amor te quiero todavia, Habia una vez un gran amor, No quiero ser mas tu amigo, Mas cerca de la vida...I could spend the whole nite sharing with you all the songs I love.
well, that's all for the time being.

The things we do

Today is one of those days when I feel useful. I didnt sleep well last nite but still I feel ok. One of the things I enjoy the most is when I serve people I love...
(I know what you are thinking right now:
what about serving people you dont know?), well, thats true, but this time I served someone I care, and that made my day. A friend told me once that I am "worthy", today I found out he was right.
thanx JS

Wednesday, April 06, 2005

El hombre

Esta maniana me levante temprano y me duche. Me vesti y prepare mis cosas en un silencio casi absoluto (raro en mi-no queria despertar a mi companiero de cuarto). Una vez listo, fui a pasar mi tiempo con Dios. Parecia ser una maniana muy linda en cuanto a la buena musica que estaban pasando en el bar que suelo ir,no hacia nada de frio, solo estabamos ahi dos personas. Me sorprendio ver que otra vez cambiaron la moza. No se, tal vez las van rotando...
En fin, todo estaba tranquilisimo hasta que llego este hombre que parecia ser-para mi gusto- demasiado amable. Pidio algo, y mientras lo tomaba parececia murmurar algo,lo raro era que estaba solo. Sobre la mesa habia un libro(fotocopiado)por lo que pense que era un estudiante, aunque su edad lo delataba...parecia tener unos 40.
De todas formas,hasta ese momento todo estaba a full.De repente, un chico de unos 24 anios entra al lugar y se sienta en su mesa, era inevitable poder no escuchar lo que estaban diciendo, mas teniendo en cuenta que la mesa en la que estaban sentados estaba junto a la mia. El chico parecia disculparse por haber llegado tarde, pero al hombre no parecia importarle demasiado.
Lo que a mi me importo un poco es que el estimado senior comenzo a hablar, pero usando un tono medio alto, mas teniendo en cuanta el lugar en el que estaba, como si quisiera que lo escucharan...trate de concentrarme en lo que yo estaba haciendo, pero la verdad es que soy una persona muy dispersa y tiendo a distraerme con cualquier cosa.
En uno de esas subidas de tono, escuche la palabra "masones"...y dejenme decirles que por lo poco que pude entender de esa conversacion, creo que el hombre es parte de es que "ellos" significa algo.
Lo que me puso mal es que el chico parecia estar buscando un significado para su vida...por las pocas veces que hablo (en general el hombre tenia la palabra), paracia estar perdido y muy confundido.Senti ganas de levantarme de la mesa y acercarme para decirle al flaco que no se dejara enganiar, pero no tuve el coraje de se por que!
Mi humor no era el mismo con el cual habia llegado, asi que decidi cerrar mis Biblia, mi Sermon de la montania y mi cuaderno y sali para mi departamento.
Me senti frustrado, pero a la vez pienso que yo no soy nadie para meterme e interrumpir la canversacion de nadie...tenemos derecho a escuchar, hablar de lo que queramos...el punto es quien dice que.