Ok, time to keep updating my trip to Salta. What I have written so far happened the very first week.
I have to say that we had a day off and it was on Sunday…and me and a bunch of argentines (some of them sort of whiny) plus some Americans went hiking that day…it was awesome…I really enjoyed it.
Next week would be different in a sense, because the whole team would remain together and we would be assigned different spots or locations to visit but we would go to these places and get back the same day.
On Tuesday, six of us went to a place called “Las Pailas”… The main idea to go there was to show Jesus movie. The shocking thing about this place was that they don’t have electricity…the church was the only “building” that has it…that nite was amazing after the movie a lot of people came to Christ…young people and not so young…Gosh! They just want to be loved!!! They don’t care about material possessions and stuff like that…They just want to know that there is someone up there that is taking care of them or that will give them the hope they are looking for…unfortunately, they believe more than in our Lord. Trigger by their traditions they also believe in the virgin Mary or what is worst they believe in “la pacha mama”, it is sort of adoration to the earth…weird, isn’t it? I guess it is!
The good thing about it is that we where there to tell them the truth and that is the coolest part…having the chance to do it.
I will deliberately skip many details that I want to keep for myself from our second day up there in “Las Pailas”…those persons are INCREDIBLE! God knows they are…pray for them to be the chosen people and that God put in their hearts the desire to seek Him everyday and that they would surrender their life to Jesus.
The next days were interesting; a guy from the same team and me would go to play soccer with the idea of reinforcing the contacts already made the past week. I don’t like soccer at all but I must say that at some point I enjoyed doing it…I was short of breath so many times though.
I am so proud with my ministry up there…I wish I can come back next year…there’s so much to be done.
My team? That’s for the next time