Thursday, December 22, 2005
Saturday, December 17, 2005
...Y la verdad los hará libres.
Es la una de la mañana y recién llego a casa después de celebrar la recibida de una muy buena amiga. La verdad es que estoy muy cansado. Es casi imposible ser capaz de escribir una oración sin tener que pensar dos veces en lo que quiero expresar, pero lo voy a intentar.
Después de una par de meses largos decidí que quiero terminar mi carrera. La única explicación que encuentro es que Dios ha vuelto a poner el deseo en mi corazón para que lo haga.
Quiero darle las gracias a mi Padre que esta en los cielos por su fidelidad, amor incondicional, por revelarme la verdad que estaba escondida ante mi, por mostrarme la verdad mas grande que he querido ver en toda mi vida. Me dio la respuesta que le he pedido por años. Mi corazón esta lleno de gozo y alegría desde entonces. Y creo que el hecho de haber recibido semejante confirmación de su parte fue lo que me motivo a otras cosas como el querer terminar mi carrera.
Siempre, siempre es una cuestión de elección, la clave esta en elegir el camino correcto.
Lo que me asombra mas es que usa a mucha gente en el proceso para confirmar y darme la posibilidad de elegir.
¿Alguna vez han leído el libro: “La Vida que Siempre has Querido” por John Ortberg?
¿O el libro “Salvaje de Corazón” por John Eldredge? Leanlos y sabran en alguna medida de lo que estoy hablando.
Nada cambia hasta que el dolor de permanecer en lo mismo se percibe mayor que al dolor del cambio
Después de una par de meses largos decidí que quiero terminar mi carrera. La única explicación que encuentro es que Dios ha vuelto a poner el deseo en mi corazón para que lo haga.
Quiero darle las gracias a mi Padre que esta en los cielos por su fidelidad, amor incondicional, por revelarme la verdad que estaba escondida ante mi, por mostrarme la verdad mas grande que he querido ver en toda mi vida. Me dio la respuesta que le he pedido por años. Mi corazón esta lleno de gozo y alegría desde entonces. Y creo que el hecho de haber recibido semejante confirmación de su parte fue lo que me motivo a otras cosas como el querer terminar mi carrera.
Siempre, siempre es una cuestión de elección, la clave esta en elegir el camino correcto.
Lo que me asombra mas es que usa a mucha gente en el proceso para confirmar y darme la posibilidad de elegir.
¿Alguna vez han leído el libro: “La Vida que Siempre has Querido” por John Ortberg?
¿O el libro “Salvaje de Corazón” por John Eldredge? Leanlos y sabran en alguna medida de lo que estoy hablando.
Nada cambia hasta que el dolor de permanecer en lo mismo se percibe mayor que al dolor del cambio
Sunday, December 11, 2005
"se habla castellano"
Bueno, no puedo creer que casi sea Navidad.
Hoy al medio día, decidí hacer un alto en lo que estaba haciendo y salí
de mi departamento en busca de tarjetas navideñas. Casi me muero
cuando algunos de lugares a los que fui tenían unas tarjetas muy viejas y feas
o tenían algunas, pero en inglés.
¡SI! Versiones en inglés, en un país cuya lengua es el castellano. No se trata
de ser patriota, es sólo un poco de sentido común.
Además, es cómico considerando el hecho de que hace no menos de un mes
atrás, una cantidad considerada de argentinos protestaban por la visita del
presidente norteamericano G.W. Bush. No sólo por no estar de acuerdo con su agenda,
sino por hablar un idioma que muchos argentinos consideran un mal necesario.
Ni que hablar de los de Izquierda que sostienen que el inglés es la lengua del Imperialismo.
Lo que lo hace más interesante es el hecho de que esos comerciantes argentinos
que para estar a la moda usan nombres en inglés en sus negocios, muchos de los cuales son terribles, y algunas veces hasta ridículos, tales como: “Tit’s” (senos), “Try me” (probame), “Sail” (Navegar), “SOHO”. La lista seria interminable.
¿Alguna vez no han entrado a un “drugstore” en busca de remedios, y la única cosa
que encontraron pegada en la pared es una calcomanía del negocio anterior?
¿Alguna vez no se encontraron con una persona que tenia puesta una remera que decía: “Touch me wherever you want”, (“Tocame donde quieras”)?
¿Qué le pasa a esta gente? ¿No tienen ganas de saber que es lo que dicen las inscripciones?
¿No saben lo lindo que es el castellano?
Por si esto fuera poco, ¡¡tarjetas navideñas en inglés!! Che,¡ reaccionen! Es un feriado del cual sacamos ventaja para expresar nuestras emociones y sentimientos. Aprovechamos
Para decirles a otras personas que los queremos. En muchos de los cosas para recordarles lo que nuestro Señor hizo por nosotros.
Si la tarjeta esta en otro idioma, ¿cómo corno van a entender lo que dice?
En fin, disfrutemos y usemos el castellano, este idioma increíble, muy rico en vocabulario y modismos.
Es traduccion fiel del ensayo redactado con anterioridad, escrito en idioma ingles que he vertido al idioma castellano y que he tenido a la vista. La Plata, 11 de diciembre de 2005.
Bueno, no puedo creer que casi sea Navidad.
Hoy al medio día, decidí hacer un alto en lo que estaba haciendo y salí
de mi departamento en busca de tarjetas navideñas. Casi me muero
cuando algunos de lugares a los que fui tenían unas tarjetas muy viejas y feas
o tenían algunas, pero en inglés.
¡SI! Versiones en inglés, en un país cuya lengua es el castellano. No se trata
de ser patriota, es sólo un poco de sentido común.
Además, es cómico considerando el hecho de que hace no menos de un mes
atrás, una cantidad considerada de argentinos protestaban por la visita del
presidente norteamericano G.W. Bush. No sólo por no estar de acuerdo con su agenda,
sino por hablar un idioma que muchos argentinos consideran un mal necesario.
Ni que hablar de los de Izquierda que sostienen que el inglés es la lengua del Imperialismo.
Lo que lo hace más interesante es el hecho de que esos comerciantes argentinos
que para estar a la moda usan nombres en inglés en sus negocios, muchos de los cuales son terribles, y algunas veces hasta ridículos, tales como: “Tit’s” (senos), “Try me” (probame), “Sail” (Navegar), “SOHO”. La lista seria interminable.
¿Alguna vez no han entrado a un “drugstore” en busca de remedios, y la única cosa
que encontraron pegada en la pared es una calcomanía del negocio anterior?
¿Alguna vez no se encontraron con una persona que tenia puesta una remera que decía: “Touch me wherever you want”, (“Tocame donde quieras”)?
¿Qué le pasa a esta gente? ¿No tienen ganas de saber que es lo que dicen las inscripciones?
¿No saben lo lindo que es el castellano?
Por si esto fuera poco, ¡¡tarjetas navideñas en inglés!! Che,¡ reaccionen! Es un feriado del cual sacamos ventaja para expresar nuestras emociones y sentimientos. Aprovechamos
Para decirles a otras personas que los queremos. En muchos de los cosas para recordarles lo que nuestro Señor hizo por nosotros.
Si la tarjeta esta en otro idioma, ¿cómo corno van a entender lo que dice?
En fin, disfrutemos y usemos el castellano, este idioma increíble, muy rico en vocabulario y modismos.
Es traduccion fiel del ensayo redactado con anterioridad, escrito en idioma ingles que he vertido al idioma castellano y que he tenido a la vista. La Plata, 11 de diciembre de 2005.
Saturday, December 10, 2005
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can't deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away...
(Jars of Clay)
I look beyond the empty cross
forgetting what my life has cost
and wipe away the crimson stains
and dull the nails that still remain
More and more I need you now,
I owe you more each passing hour
the battle between grace and pride
I gave up not so long ago
So steal my heart and take the pain
and wash the feet and cleanse my pride
take the selfish, take the weak,
and all the things I cannot hide
take the beauty, take my tears
the sin-soaked heart and make it yours
take my world all apart
take it now, take it now
and serve the ones that I despise
speak the words I can't deny
watch the world I used to love
fall to dust and thrown away...
(Jars of Clay)
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Ok, I cannot believe it is almost Christmas!
Around noon I decided to take a break from my activities and I went out of my apartment to look for some Christmas cards. To my surprise, some of the places I visited had either awful old fashion or English version ones.
Yes! English versions, in a Castellano-speaking country. This is not patriotism, it is just a little of common sense.
Besides, this is funny considering the fact that less than a month ago, a great number of Argentines were complaining against American president G. W. Bush. Not only for not agreeing with the political agenda but for speaking a language that most Argentines consider a necessary evil. Not to mention the “liberals’ that claim English the language of Imperialism.
What makes it more interesting is the fact those Argentine dealers, to be in fashion name after their own stores with hilarious, some times ridiculous names: such as “Tit’s”, “Try me”, “Sail”,”Soho”. The list would be extremely long.
Haven’t you ever entered a “drugstore: looking for some medicine, and the only thing related to medicine is the old sticker left by the previous owner of the store on the wall?
Haven’t you ever run into a person wearing a t-shirt that read: “Touch me wherever you want”?
What is wrong with these people? Don’t they wan to know what the inscription is about? Don’t they know how beautiful “castellano” is?
Now, Christmas cards in English!!??! Wake up people! It is a Holiday we take advantage of to express our feelings and emotions. To let other people know that we care about them. And in most of the cases to remind them what God did for us.
If the card is in another language, how in the world are they going to understand what is written on it?
People, let’s enjoy and make use of castellano, this incredible language, extremely rich in vocabulary and idioms.
Around noon I decided to take a break from my activities and I went out of my apartment to look for some Christmas cards. To my surprise, some of the places I visited had either awful old fashion or English version ones.
Yes! English versions, in a Castellano-speaking country. This is not patriotism, it is just a little of common sense.
Besides, this is funny considering the fact that less than a month ago, a great number of Argentines were complaining against American president G. W. Bush. Not only for not agreeing with the political agenda but for speaking a language that most Argentines consider a necessary evil. Not to mention the “liberals’ that claim English the language of Imperialism.
What makes it more interesting is the fact those Argentine dealers, to be in fashion name after their own stores with hilarious, some times ridiculous names: such as “Tit’s”, “Try me”, “Sail”,”Soho”. The list would be extremely long.
Haven’t you ever entered a “drugstore: looking for some medicine, and the only thing related to medicine is the old sticker left by the previous owner of the store on the wall?
Haven’t you ever run into a person wearing a t-shirt that read: “Touch me wherever you want”?
What is wrong with these people? Don’t they wan to know what the inscription is about? Don’t they know how beautiful “castellano” is?
Now, Christmas cards in English!!??! Wake up people! It is a Holiday we take advantage of to express our feelings and emotions. To let other people know that we care about them. And in most of the cases to remind them what God did for us.
If the card is in another language, how in the world are they going to understand what is written on it?
People, let’s enjoy and make use of castellano, this incredible language, extremely rich in vocabulary and idioms.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Saturday, November 19, 2005
God of Wonders
Ok, I haven’t blogged in a while, so I think it is time to update.
I am so excited about a couple of things.
The first one, I can’t believe Irina is leaving for the States in two weeks’ time. I am so happy for her. If there is one thing I like about her is her determination and how she trusts our Lord. Getting all this paper done has been kind of an ordeal, but still nothing compares to the joy she will feel once in the States.
By the way, I would like to say something about this matter…why do I have this idea that it is so much easier for a middle east guy to get into the States than for an Argentine? I don’t get it. Anyways, that’s the way it is, they may have their own reasons.
Back to what I was talking about, this next Monday 21st, Iri has her appointment, I am relying on God’s faithfulness, and I am completely sure she will make it. Martin and I are going to Buenos Aires so that she is not by herself. Dang it! I can’t believe we will celebrate the fact that she will get a VISA. It should be something less festive.
The second thing is that I am so thankful to my Lord for the peace HE brought to my family and to my heart.
The third is that finally I got to talk to my teacher so I will be able to take one of my final tests. December 13th will be awesome.
Ok, the guys are waiting for me to watch a movie…so, that’s all folks
I am so excited about a couple of things.
The first one, I can’t believe Irina is leaving for the States in two weeks’ time. I am so happy for her. If there is one thing I like about her is her determination and how she trusts our Lord. Getting all this paper done has been kind of an ordeal, but still nothing compares to the joy she will feel once in the States.
By the way, I would like to say something about this matter…why do I have this idea that it is so much easier for a middle east guy to get into the States than for an Argentine? I don’t get it. Anyways, that’s the way it is, they may have their own reasons.
Back to what I was talking about, this next Monday 21st, Iri has her appointment, I am relying on God’s faithfulness, and I am completely sure she will make it. Martin and I are going to Buenos Aires so that she is not by herself. Dang it! I can’t believe we will celebrate the fact that she will get a VISA. It should be something less festive.
The second thing is that I am so thankful to my Lord for the peace HE brought to my family and to my heart.
The third is that finally I got to talk to my teacher so I will be able to take one of my final tests. December 13th will be awesome.
Ok, the guys are waiting for me to watch a movie…so, that’s all folks
Tuesday, November 08, 2005
Ok, this is for all those Argentines that are soooooo ....narrow-minded
The fact that G.W. Bush came down to Argentina doesnt mean that we have..
to stop working
to go on strikes
to destroy every single mc donalds in the country
to try to set Bank Boston on fire
to set on fire Galicia Bank ( it is a Spanish bank, for
crying out loud!)
to destroy Havanna (thats retarded!)
My dearest argentines, instead of complaining and complaining; get your butts on a freaking chear and get to work...then you ask why we are as we are.
The fact that G.W. Bush came down to Argentina doesnt mean that we have..
to stop working
to go on strikes
to destroy every single mc donalds in the country
to try to set Bank Boston on fire
to set on fire Galicia Bank ( it is a Spanish bank, for
crying out loud!)
to destroy Havanna (thats retarded!)
My dearest argentines, instead of complaining and complaining; get your butts on a freaking chear and get to work...then you ask why we are as we are.
Monday, October 31, 2005
The best roommate I can ask for
Sunday, October 30, 2005
like you and me...
Ashlee for loving and caring.
Courtney for your HUGE heart.
Kelly for your silent love.
Melanie for your smiles.
Becky for loving and caring.
Sarah for your simplicity.
Taylor for your energy and passion
Meeker cuz when I moved in you made me feel at home.
Justin for your words always full of wisdon.
Jason for your heart and love.
Landry for loving me and giving our friendship another try.
Ashlee for loving and caring.
Courtney for your HUGE heart.
Kelly for your silent love.
Melanie for your smiles.
Becky for loving and caring.
Sarah for your simplicity.
Taylor for your energy and passion
Meeker cuz when I moved in you made me feel at home.
Justin for your words always full of wisdon.
Jason for your heart and love.
Landry for loving me and giving our friendship another try.
This is who I am
There came the time when things are going to change again. I don’t feel
devastated though. On the contrary, I feel joy in my heart. The stint year is
about to end and the Stinters are coming back home, some of them for good,
others just to spend some time with their families and friends.
And they are also coming back to raise support to be able to stay
for another year down here in Argentina.
I will admit that I will miss Landry a ton, (and I am not saying I wont miss
the other guys, but this is different). We have had our good times as well as
our bad ones. And my guess is that the Lord used and allowed all those
situations to teach us both.
Landry would use his favorite word with me: “expectation’. He might be right or wrong, it doesn’t matter that much now. What really matters is this process of learning we went through. I rediscovered how much God loves me and takes care of
me. Salvation is not an issue any longer. God crushed Satan under my feet.
I found that I don’t care what other people may think about me...who I was or
who I am. I know who I am in Christ, that’s all!
It’s funny because Landry and I were studying Galatians. We never finished it.
The last chapter we read but we never discussed was about being a child of God,
the adopted ones, and the importance of grasping those concepts.
I was not able to define my idea in a few words. Yesterday, on our way to Tigre
we talked a little bit about it, and I think he had the perfect words to describe what I found...my identity in Christ.I concept I had talked to Jessica,(SP girl), one time but hadn’t realized very well. Last night when I got home that idea got stuck in my head. I came to the conclusion that that is what happened.
The way is long and tough but I am not scared any more. I know the outcome is
way better than anything or anyone.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
I am not a good Christian...(Cassandra is right, there’s no such thing) but I will be an obedient Christian, a true servant of the Lord, I will be whoever my Lord wants me to be.
devastated though. On the contrary, I feel joy in my heart. The stint year is
about to end and the Stinters are coming back home, some of them for good,
others just to spend some time with their families and friends.
And they are also coming back to raise support to be able to stay
for another year down here in Argentina.
I will admit that I will miss Landry a ton, (and I am not saying I wont miss
the other guys, but this is different). We have had our good times as well as
our bad ones. And my guess is that the Lord used and allowed all those
situations to teach us both.
Landry would use his favorite word with me: “expectation’. He might be right or wrong, it doesn’t matter that much now. What really matters is this process of learning we went through. I rediscovered how much God loves me and takes care of
me. Salvation is not an issue any longer. God crushed Satan under my feet.
I found that I don’t care what other people may think about me...who I was or
who I am. I know who I am in Christ, that’s all!
It’s funny because Landry and I were studying Galatians. We never finished it.
The last chapter we read but we never discussed was about being a child of God,
the adopted ones, and the importance of grasping those concepts.
I was not able to define my idea in a few words. Yesterday, on our way to Tigre
we talked a little bit about it, and I think he had the perfect words to describe what I found...my identity in Christ.I concept I had talked to Jessica,(SP girl), one time but hadn’t realized very well. Last night when I got home that idea got stuck in my head. I came to the conclusion that that is what happened.
The way is long and tough but I am not scared any more. I know the outcome is
way better than anything or anyone.
For I consider that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory that is to be revealed to us. Romans 8:18
I am not a good Christian...(Cassandra is right, there’s no such thing) but I will be an obedient Christian, a true servant of the Lord, I will be whoever my Lord wants me to be.
Tuesday, October 04, 2005
The great I AM
I am really stunned by the way God is teaching me some stuff lately. He is allowing some situations that are bugging me right now, but strange as it may seem, I am not mad at Him at all. I am resting on His faithfulness. My guess is that He is building my character, my confidence.
I won’t deny I am confused sometimes.
I am a Castellano/English teacher, and sometimes the methods I use may not seem very adequate for my students. They probably think that I need a little bit of this, a little bit of that...more reading, more listening, more conversation. Sometimes, I ask them what they feel like doing, or if they have any suggestions, something that can improve the class. And I like it when they participate and contribute. However, there are times when I don’t ask what they want to do, and it’s not because I am a dictator, but because I know that we have to go through some heavy stuff in order to master the language, for instance, subjunctive, the different aspects in the past, or just simple exceptions to the rule. I know they don’t like it or at least they don’t enjoy it that much, but I know that studying them will perfection their “Castellano/English.”
I feel my walking with the Lord is exact the same. He bestows so many blessings in my life: sunny days, clothes, a warm bed, food, a family and a bunch of good friends. Things I pray for and thank for every day. However, there are times when He allows some kind of “sufferings”, place me in some spots I don’t have a clue what for. Things I don’t ask for or I didn’t pray for. Now I know why He does it, and I am not scared or upset any more. I know He won’t hurt me. He wants me to master my relationship with Him. He is telling me every single second: Fabian, trust me...I will never let you down. I gave my only son for you. Would I lie to you?
I was in church a couple of days ago and the pastor said a simple truth. Do you want to see God? Take a look at the Bible, that’s the best portray of God. His almighty power is there, His love, His character...
So, here I am...let Him work in my life. I know that that will bring some changes but if that is the price I have to pay for being with Him, I will do it...no matter how many people or things I lose on the way.
In the end, it’s all about Him.
I won’t deny I am confused sometimes.
I am a Castellano/English teacher, and sometimes the methods I use may not seem very adequate for my students. They probably think that I need a little bit of this, a little bit of that...more reading, more listening, more conversation. Sometimes, I ask them what they feel like doing, or if they have any suggestions, something that can improve the class. And I like it when they participate and contribute. However, there are times when I don’t ask what they want to do, and it’s not because I am a dictator, but because I know that we have to go through some heavy stuff in order to master the language, for instance, subjunctive, the different aspects in the past, or just simple exceptions to the rule. I know they don’t like it or at least they don’t enjoy it that much, but I know that studying them will perfection their “Castellano/English.”
I feel my walking with the Lord is exact the same. He bestows so many blessings in my life: sunny days, clothes, a warm bed, food, a family and a bunch of good friends. Things I pray for and thank for every day. However, there are times when He allows some kind of “sufferings”, place me in some spots I don’t have a clue what for. Things I don’t ask for or I didn’t pray for. Now I know why He does it, and I am not scared or upset any more. I know He won’t hurt me. He wants me to master my relationship with Him. He is telling me every single second: Fabian, trust me...I will never let you down. I gave my only son for you. Would I lie to you?
I was in church a couple of days ago and the pastor said a simple truth. Do you want to see God? Take a look at the Bible, that’s the best portray of God. His almighty power is there, His love, His character...
So, here I am...let Him work in my life. I know that that will bring some changes but if that is the price I have to pay for being with Him, I will do it...no matter how many people or things I lose on the way.
In the end, it’s all about Him.
Saturday, September 17, 2005
Do I struggle with acceptance or do I struggle with the fact that I cant stand the idea of not being loved by someone, not matter who that person is.
Is my pride being hurt?
The point is, what should I do? What decision would I have made in the past? would I have been really worried for not being loved by someone?
I always had this idea that nothing that is not worthy for my life has to be thrown away. Is it really what I have to do? Is it right if I am or I act like a perfet jerk? I loved doing that in the past. (sorry Lord for I've sinned)
One step away...
Is my pride being hurt?
The point is, what should I do? What decision would I have made in the past? would I have been really worried for not being loved by someone?
I always had this idea that nothing that is not worthy for my life has to be thrown away. Is it really what I have to do? Is it right if I am or I act like a perfet jerk? I loved doing that in the past. (sorry Lord for I've sinned)
One step away...
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
Monday, September 05, 2005
what's missing??
Fabbie talking to himself...
I dont wanna lose heart!
I want to believe, like (wallace) does.
I will never be on the wrong side again.
(Braveheart's line)
I dont wanna lose heart!
I want to believe, like (wallace) does.
I will never be on the wrong side again.
(Braveheart's line)
Thursday, September 01, 2005
If only I could turn back time...
This is me, fabbie...and I am completely out of my mind…I have gone nuts…I have a screw loose…I am insane…I am crazy…
We all have moments when we wish we could change something…right or wrong…correct a mistake...just do it all over again...
What would I do if I had the chance to change something from my past?
Would I do it? should I do it? Wouldn’t I be acting selfishly trying to fix things that didn’t work out that well, just for the sake of not feeling guilty? Wouldn’t I be playing to be God? Why to change something that was meant to be? Would it make any sense being the only one who can witness those changes? No mistakes means perfection…is that what is it all about? Are we so cocky as to think that we deserve the right to experience that “gift”?
We all have moments when we wish we could change something…right or wrong…correct a mistake...just do it all over again...
What would I do if I had the chance to change something from my past?
Would I do it? should I do it? Wouldn’t I be acting selfishly trying to fix things that didn’t work out that well, just for the sake of not feeling guilty? Wouldn’t I be playing to be God? Why to change something that was meant to be? Would it make any sense being the only one who can witness those changes? No mistakes means perfection…is that what is it all about? Are we so cocky as to think that we deserve the right to experience that “gift”?
Friday, August 26, 2005
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
I miss you all guys!
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Mission Trip to Salta-Part lll
I was thinking of writing about the team I work with. Truth is that I rather keep all those memories for myself.
This experience showed me who are the persons around me... and allowed me to get to know those who I might have taken for grated for a long time.
Above all, the person I got to know the most was my savior Jesus Christ.
This experience showed me who are the persons around me... and allowed me to get to know those who I might have taken for grated for a long time.
Above all, the person I got to know the most was my savior Jesus Christ.
Thursday, August 04, 2005
Mission Trip to Salta 2005-Part ll
Ok, time to keep updating my trip to Salta. What I have written so far happened the very first week.
I have to say that we had a day off and it was on Sunday…and me and a bunch of argentines (some of them sort of whiny) plus some Americans went hiking that day…it was awesome…I really enjoyed it.
Next week would be different in a sense, because the whole team would remain together and we would be assigned different spots or locations to visit but we would go to these places and get back the same day.
On Tuesday, six of us went to a place called “Las Pailas”… The main idea to go there was to show Jesus movie. The shocking thing about this place was that they don’t have electricity…the church was the only “building” that has it…that nite was amazing after the movie a lot of people came to Christ…young people and not so young…Gosh! They just want to be loved!!! They don’t care about material possessions and stuff like that…They just want to know that there is someone up there that is taking care of them or that will give them the hope they are looking for…unfortunately, they believe more than in our Lord. Trigger by their traditions they also believe in the virgin Mary or what is worst they believe in “la pacha mama”, it is sort of adoration to the earth…weird, isn’t it? I guess it is!
The good thing about it is that we where there to tell them the truth and that is the coolest part…having the chance to do it.
I will deliberately skip many details that I want to keep for myself from our second day up there in “Las Pailas”…those persons are INCREDIBLE! God knows they are…pray for them to be the chosen people and that God put in their hearts the desire to seek Him everyday and that they would surrender their life to Jesus.
The next days were interesting; a guy from the same team and me would go to play soccer with the idea of reinforcing the contacts already made the past week. I don’t like soccer at all but I must say that at some point I enjoyed doing it…I was short of breath so many times though.
I am so proud with my ministry up there…I wish I can come back next year…there’s so much to be done.
My team? That’s for the next time
I have to say that we had a day off and it was on Sunday…and me and a bunch of argentines (some of them sort of whiny) plus some Americans went hiking that day…it was awesome…I really enjoyed it.
Next week would be different in a sense, because the whole team would remain together and we would be assigned different spots or locations to visit but we would go to these places and get back the same day.
On Tuesday, six of us went to a place called “Las Pailas”… The main idea to go there was to show Jesus movie. The shocking thing about this place was that they don’t have electricity…the church was the only “building” that has it…that nite was amazing after the movie a lot of people came to Christ…young people and not so young…Gosh! They just want to be loved!!! They don’t care about material possessions and stuff like that…They just want to know that there is someone up there that is taking care of them or that will give them the hope they are looking for…unfortunately, they believe more than in our Lord. Trigger by their traditions they also believe in the virgin Mary or what is worst they believe in “la pacha mama”, it is sort of adoration to the earth…weird, isn’t it? I guess it is!
The good thing about it is that we where there to tell them the truth and that is the coolest part…having the chance to do it.
I will deliberately skip many details that I want to keep for myself from our second day up there in “Las Pailas”…those persons are INCREDIBLE! God knows they are…pray for them to be the chosen people and that God put in their hearts the desire to seek Him everyday and that they would surrender their life to Jesus.
The next days were interesting; a guy from the same team and me would go to play soccer with the idea of reinforcing the contacts already made the past week. I don’t like soccer at all but I must say that at some point I enjoyed doing it…I was short of breath so many times though.
I am so proud with my ministry up there…I wish I can come back next year…there’s so much to be done.
My team? That’s for the next time
Tuesday, August 02, 2005
The Golden Chance
Carpe Diem:
Carpe Diem, is the expression that means seize the day, means that one should take advantage of every minute of this life. Many people do not succeed because they are scared about life. It is very difficult to accomplish anything in this life if they do not risk themselves or do not do anything to get what they want. One should enjoy this life in a responsible way. My particular carpe diem philosophy is do the right thing at the right moment...
...Carpe Diem means "seize the day", but for me it has another deeper meaning. The meaning for me is that one should take advantage of opportunities with wisdom and care, analyzing each move we make, not making precipitous decisions and not thinking only about the effects that will cause us that decisions, but also how decisions will decisions affect the ones who surround us. Opportunities only knock once at your door. Be there and do not slam your door, or be afraid to open it. Seize the chance!
question: should we care about how these decisions will affect the ones who surround us?
Carpe Diem, is the expression that means seize the day, means that one should take advantage of every minute of this life. Many people do not succeed because they are scared about life. It is very difficult to accomplish anything in this life if they do not risk themselves or do not do anything to get what they want. One should enjoy this life in a responsible way. My particular carpe diem philosophy is do the right thing at the right moment...
...Carpe Diem means "seize the day", but for me it has another deeper meaning. The meaning for me is that one should take advantage of opportunities with wisdom and care, analyzing each move we make, not making precipitous decisions and not thinking only about the effects that will cause us that decisions, but also how decisions will decisions affect the ones who surround us. Opportunities only knock once at your door. Be there and do not slam your door, or be afraid to open it. Seize the chance!
question: should we care about how these decisions will affect the ones who surround us?
Sunday, July 31, 2005
Mission Trip to Salta 2005-Part l
I am a member of a Christian university student movement called “Vida Estudiantil”, which is the Spanish equivalent for Campus Crusade for Christ down here in Argentina (a Christian Organization worldwide). I have been collaborating with them since I became a Christian. Tons of times, I had the chance to go to Summer Camps and Mission Trips but I never took those chances till this past year. I don’t really know the reason for this decision but never mind at this point.
Summer Camp was an experience I am not ready to “think out loud “yet. I am cool though with the idea of sharing what happened three weeks ago in “Los Valles Calchaquies”…in Cachi (province of Salta) to be more accurate.
I don’t think it really matters when we left from La Plata (Bs As) and when we got up there. What really matters is my time in this small but stunning place called Cachi…
I’d like to say that even when I had never been to Cachi before I was really aware of the social situation this province and this small place located 2000 mts over the sea are going through. Now that I think about it, I should have kept a journal (like Nathan did), I am pretty sure many memories will vanish from my mind while writing this blog.
The first two days were pretty hard for me. Although I was with some guys from my same place, I got to know new faces. Extroverted as I may seem, let me tell you that getting to know a lot of new people all at once, makes me not shy, but it takes me a while to open, mainly when I think that I probably wont see most of those persons again…Once in Cachi, the whole group that was sent there, was divided into three smallest ones and I got to stay there with only one person I knew…I felt kind of lonely sometimes, but it was not a big deal…I tend to be a “whiner” sometimes. However, I had no time to think about me…I didn’t want to think about me this time….I was there not for me, but for the people…
…Its weird…I was there for them, I was focus on them…but at the same time, I was thinking about myself…something I don’t usually do because as I see it, it is a clear example of selfishness…not this time though. I followed Martin’s piece of advice: focus on your job and on the Lord…not on people I would be working with, and it worked.
Mariano (a guy from Tucuman) and I were in charge of the sports stuff, ironical if you know me…I am not much of a sports person…I like few of them though. Anyways, we used soccer as the “bait” for the new contacts. That was hilarious, I aint no clue how to play soccer…but I had to do it. I was in the goalie…needless to say…I suck! Mariano played like a real player or at least he tried to do so…seriously, he is good at playing soccer. We got to talk to a couple of guys that were kind of respected among all the “cachenses” that were there.We were part of many other activities, but soccer was our area.
Evangelism was the main point and that was what the whole group would do late at night…because most of the young people hang out in La Plaza after 10:00pm. There were many that accepted Jesus in their hearts during those nights.
Natalia, Lidia, Mariano, Hebe, Mel, Teo, Hernan , Leticia, The Miller’s, and me remained in town for the first week. What a team! We had a great time together, but apart form them there were Cecilia (the lady that cooked for us), Carlos her husband and Elias and Ezequiel their children.
Summer Camp was an experience I am not ready to “think out loud “yet. I am cool though with the idea of sharing what happened three weeks ago in “Los Valles Calchaquies”…in Cachi (province of Salta) to be more accurate.
I don’t think it really matters when we left from La Plata (Bs As) and when we got up there. What really matters is my time in this small but stunning place called Cachi…
I’d like to say that even when I had never been to Cachi before I was really aware of the social situation this province and this small place located 2000 mts over the sea are going through. Now that I think about it, I should have kept a journal (like Nathan did), I am pretty sure many memories will vanish from my mind while writing this blog.
The first two days were pretty hard for me. Although I was with some guys from my same place, I got to know new faces. Extroverted as I may seem, let me tell you that getting to know a lot of new people all at once, makes me not shy, but it takes me a while to open, mainly when I think that I probably wont see most of those persons again…Once in Cachi, the whole group that was sent there, was divided into three smallest ones and I got to stay there with only one person I knew…I felt kind of lonely sometimes, but it was not a big deal…I tend to be a “whiner” sometimes. However, I had no time to think about me…I didn’t want to think about me this time….I was there not for me, but for the people…
…Its weird…I was there for them, I was focus on them…but at the same time, I was thinking about myself…something I don’t usually do because as I see it, it is a clear example of selfishness…not this time though. I followed Martin’s piece of advice: focus on your job and on the Lord…not on people I would be working with, and it worked.
Mariano (a guy from Tucuman) and I were in charge of the sports stuff, ironical if you know me…I am not much of a sports person…I like few of them though. Anyways, we used soccer as the “bait” for the new contacts. That was hilarious, I aint no clue how to play soccer…but I had to do it. I was in the goalie…needless to say…I suck! Mariano played like a real player or at least he tried to do so…seriously, he is good at playing soccer. We got to talk to a couple of guys that were kind of respected among all the “cachenses” that were there.We were part of many other activities, but soccer was our area.
Evangelism was the main point and that was what the whole group would do late at night…because most of the young people hang out in La Plaza after 10:00pm. There were many that accepted Jesus in their hearts during those nights.
Natalia, Lidia, Mariano, Hebe, Mel, Teo, Hernan , Leticia, The Miller’s, and me remained in town for the first week. What a team! We had a great time together, but apart form them there were Cecilia (the lady that cooked for us), Carlos her husband and Elias and Ezequiel their children.
Tuesday, July 26, 2005
Jon, Jason and me.
Wednesday, July 06, 2005
Coming up next...La Bande del Golden Rocket
Have you ever heard about " La Banda del Golden Rocket"? Probably you havent...
Well, I think Martin, Irina and Me in a sense are this Banda...pretty soon I will tell you why.
Well, I think Martin, Irina and Me in a sense are this Banda...pretty soon I will tell you why.
Friday, July 01, 2005
My roommates Part lV- John E. Meeker

Meeker es el apellido de este “grandote” como Martín lo llama.
Si lo conocen, saben de qué hablo, si no, es como el Hulk,
pero un poquito más chico.
Por alguna razón insistimos en utilizar “meeker” como si este fuera su
nombre aunque en realidad su verdadero nombre es Jonh Edward…
o simplemente “Yon”, nombre adaptado a la fonética del castellano
por los hispanos parlantes.
Conocí a John por primera vez hace tres años atrás. Yo hacía muy poco
que había tomando la decisión de cambiar mi vida y
como otra de las consecuencias ahora formaba parte de Vida Estudiantil
(Movimiento que explicaré más adelante en otro blog). En ese tiempo,
John estaba en Argentina como parte del Proyecto de Verano (proyecto
que también explicaré en otra oportunidad),
pero que sirvió para que tuviéramos la oportunidad de conocernos.
Bueno, conocernos en el sentido de…
_Hola, me llamo John
_Hola, encantado, mi nombre es Fabián
Había una particularidad que lo hacia resaltar del resto…el español. WOW!!
Cuando lo escuché hablar español por primera vez me quedé como resorprendido…
la tenía reclara…aunque “desafortunadamente” su español era más bien centro-americano. Pero aun así…increíble.
Lo más súper increíble es que por esas cosas que tiene Dios y que
como un buen ser humano que soy jamás voy a entender es que
terminé viviendo con él.
Hey, hay un par de cosas que me sacan la cabeza…pero eso no es
para escribir en este blog, eso es entre nosotros.
Lo que sí quiero escribir es que por las venas de ‘meeker’ corre sangre…
Latino-Americana. Y cuando digo esto lo que quiero decir es que la forma de demostrar cariño es muy argentina, por utilizar un país especifico.
Recuerdo que cuando decidí mudarme con él y el resto de los chicos,
estaba todo el tiempo tratando de que me sintiera lo mas cómodo posible...
NO me mal interpreten…con esto no quiero decir que el resto
era cualquier cosa. NO. Por el contrario, pero “meeker” parecía
tenerlo incorporado. Siempre preocupándose por mi,
haciendo lo que hace siempre…compartiendo todo lo que es suyo…
sin importar que…es muy argentino…primero esta la otra persona y
después nosotros.
Eso si, tiene algo que es contagioso…la risa. WOW! Jamás había escuchado a una persona ser tan “loud” cuando se ríe…pero no solo eso, sino que también, al escucharlo es como una epidemia…comenzas a reírte con él.
Un defecto que sí quiero compartir, pero que no se si tengo la autoridad para hacerlo ya que de fútbol no tengo la menor idea es que es hicha de “Boca Juniors”…oh, wait! Eso es otra cosa…sabe mas de fútbol que cualquier otro argentino que pretenda saber de fútbol.
Y en cuanto a los asados… se merece otro GUAU! Deberían probarlos alguna vez, son exquisitos.
Para terminar, quiero decir que si alguna vez necesitan estar despiertos, por cualquier motivo…pídanle que les haga un café…GUAU! Sé porque se los digo…
¡Les va a encantar!
Sunday, June 26, 2005
Psalm 119:11
I think that God is teaching me way too much lately. My stupid brain is
too slow to process all the information though.
I feel like I am all the time complainig about this and that,
when in fact I should be celebrating the fact that Jesus died for me,
and He did that because His Father loved me so much that
He sent His only begotten Son to die for my retarded stupid past,
present and future sins.
So...have I mentioned this in the past days,weeks, months or years?
NO! I haven't!
Have I gotten my butt out of the apartment and done somthing about it??
NO! I haven't!
Also, I should be more than happy for having been chosen...
If God chose me as one of his children...well, what else do I need?
my mind wanders all the time and you know why...
cuz I am the biggest a..... in the whole world. Focusing on stuff or people that either dont deserve my attention or are nothing compare to the love of God.
Shame on me! Shame on me!
If the time I spend in the word is not enough,then I should do better.
Psalm 119.11
Conclusion, its not the people around me...its ME who screw it up all the time.
too slow to process all the information though.
I feel like I am all the time complainig about this and that,
when in fact I should be celebrating the fact that Jesus died for me,
and He did that because His Father loved me so much that
He sent His only begotten Son to die for my retarded stupid past,
present and future sins.
So...have I mentioned this in the past days,weeks, months or years?
NO! I haven't!
Have I gotten my butt out of the apartment and done somthing about it??
NO! I haven't!
Also, I should be more than happy for having been chosen...
If God chose me as one of his children...well, what else do I need?
my mind wanders all the time and you know why...
cuz I am the biggest a..... in the whole world. Focusing on stuff or people that either dont deserve my attention or are nothing compare to the love of God.
Shame on me! Shame on me!
If the time I spend in the word is not enough,then I should do better.
Psalm 119.11
Conclusion, its not the people around me...its ME who screw it up all the time.
Wednesday, June 15, 2005
you play around too much!
You play around too much! this was the first thing Ned told me the second time I got to talk to him.
That woke me up!
Who's Ned?
...who's Ned...hmmm
I met Ned two weeks ago.He came down to Argentina with a bunch of Americans whose main purpose is to share their faith with the argentine students.We have been hanging out for the last two weeks and tonite I got to see who he really is.
If some argentine came right now and told me that American people are really "cold"...I will kick his/her butt so badly that they wouldn't be able to sit for a month...there are some exceptions though.
I wont write in this blog what happened tonite but I was stunned...
GOD is awesome...
And its amazing when I see God in people's life. Once I thought I had seen Him...but I was wrong...that was what I wanted to see...tonite it was different...cuz it was out of the blue...
You play around too much! it was the starting of a brand new day.
That woke me up!
Who's Ned?
...who's Ned...hmmm
I met Ned two weeks ago.He came down to Argentina with a bunch of Americans whose main purpose is to share their faith with the argentine students.We have been hanging out for the last two weeks and tonite I got to see who he really is.
If some argentine came right now and told me that American people are really "cold"...I will kick his/her butt so badly that they wouldn't be able to sit for a month...there are some exceptions though.
I wont write in this blog what happened tonite but I was stunned...
GOD is awesome...
And its amazing when I see God in people's life. Once I thought I had seen Him...but I was wrong...that was what I wanted to see...tonite it was different...cuz it was out of the blue...
You play around too much! it was the starting of a brand new day.
Sunday, June 12, 2005
Cuando no vemos.
Estoy completamente confundido, sutilmente han vuelto los pensamientos
plagados de preguntas…Por alguna razón, el libro del Génesis
esta rondado mi cabeza.
Then God said,” Let us make man in Our Image,
according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea …
Genesis 1:26
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27
Si Dios creo al hombre a su propia imagen y semejanza,
¿Por qué soy lo que soy?
¿Por qué un simple ser humano puede cambiar lo que Dios
ya había diseñado de ante mano?
¿Cuál es la parte que no estoy entendiendo?
La tristeza es que nadie puede explicármelo.
Nadie puede saber que me pasa. Sólo mi alma lo sabe, pero es muda…
Un inmutes que puede romper Dios con palabras que no alcanzo a escuchar.
Miro por la ventana y el sol me da en la cara, escucho las voces de los chicos
en la calle, juegan, se divierten, ríen…pero también lloran como lo hace mi alma.
Y me canso de esperar…y el cansancio es cada vez mas frecuente.
Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why are you disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God
Psalm 43:5
plagados de preguntas…Por alguna razón, el libro del Génesis
esta rondado mi cabeza.
Then God said,” Let us make man in Our Image,
according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea …
Genesis 1:26
God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him;
male and female He created them.
Genesis 1:27
Si Dios creo al hombre a su propia imagen y semejanza,
¿Por qué soy lo que soy?
¿Por qué un simple ser humano puede cambiar lo que Dios
ya había diseñado de ante mano?
¿Cuál es la parte que no estoy entendiendo?
La tristeza es que nadie puede explicármelo.
Nadie puede saber que me pasa. Sólo mi alma lo sabe, pero es muda…
Un inmutes que puede romper Dios con palabras que no alcanzo a escuchar.
Miro por la ventana y el sol me da en la cara, escucho las voces de los chicos
en la calle, juegan, se divierten, ríen…pero también lloran como lo hace mi alma.
Y me canso de esperar…y el cansancio es cada vez mas frecuente.
Why are you in despair, O my soul?
And why are you disturbed within me?
Hope in God, for I shall again praise Him,
The help of my countenance and my God
Psalm 43:5
Thursday, June 02, 2005
Changes that heal
Anoche después de muchas idas y venidas, finalmente decidí ir a
un pequeño grupo de estudio al cual había sido invitado un par de veces.
Muy en el fondo no me había unido antes porque tenía una vaga idea de lo que podía tratarse y no quería hacerlo, la verdad es que no me equivoqué.
El libro que están estudiando o analizando se llama: Changes That Heal
(Cambios Que Sanan) del Dr. Henry Cloud, cuyo apellido es bastante irónico
si uno se pone a pensar en el contenido del libro.
Ayer comencé a leerlo, pero no puedo emitir un juicio aún.
Volviendo al tema del grupo. Debo admitir que me sentí medio mal, no por las personas con las que estaba, sino porque durante todo ese tiempo que estuvimos juntos, ellos fueron los únicos que compartieron lo que había en sus corazones,
o al menos algo de lo que hay en el. Yo no pude…no quise, y esta es la verdad.
El lema del libro es: Entienda su pasado de modo que asegure un futuro saludable.
No creo tener ganas de “entender” mi pasado, no por ahora.
No quiero compartir otra vez mi sufrimiento, que aunque me demuestren lo contrario, sigo creyendo que fue un error haberlo hecho. Admito que puedo estar equivocado.
Sin embargo esto es interesante porque anoche mientras estaba ahí recordé algo que estoy leyendo de Sinclair B. Ferguson. En su libro “The sermón on the mount” (El sermón de la montana), el explica lo que Jesús nos quiso decir en Mathew 5:22-25, que si hay algo entre dos personas, discusiones, pleitos, peleas, malos entendidos o como sea que lo quiera llamar, que no pase mucho tiempo sin que se resuelvan esas cuestiones…¡básicamente que hablen! Pero lo que también dice, y esto es lo interesante, que Jesús no nos esta diciendo que compartamos cada pensamiento en nuestros corazones, contarle a otros no nos va a llevar a la santificación. Lo que Jesús dice es, aceptá la responsabilidad y arreglá cualquier problema antes de que se produzca una muerte espiritual.
Entonces vuelvo a una vieja pregunta , ¿tiene sentido contarle a otros nuestros mayores temores, fracasos o tristezas? Ummm. No sé.
Necesito pensar un poco más al respecto. Lo que si sé es que necesito ejercitar la palabra “GRACE”…
...pero en mi mismo.
un pequeño grupo de estudio al cual había sido invitado un par de veces.
Muy en el fondo no me había unido antes porque tenía una vaga idea de lo que podía tratarse y no quería hacerlo, la verdad es que no me equivoqué.
El libro que están estudiando o analizando se llama: Changes That Heal
(Cambios Que Sanan) del Dr. Henry Cloud, cuyo apellido es bastante irónico
si uno se pone a pensar en el contenido del libro.
Ayer comencé a leerlo, pero no puedo emitir un juicio aún.
Volviendo al tema del grupo. Debo admitir que me sentí medio mal, no por las personas con las que estaba, sino porque durante todo ese tiempo que estuvimos juntos, ellos fueron los únicos que compartieron lo que había en sus corazones,
o al menos algo de lo que hay en el. Yo no pude…no quise, y esta es la verdad.
El lema del libro es: Entienda su pasado de modo que asegure un futuro saludable.
No creo tener ganas de “entender” mi pasado, no por ahora.
No quiero compartir otra vez mi sufrimiento, que aunque me demuestren lo contrario, sigo creyendo que fue un error haberlo hecho. Admito que puedo estar equivocado.
Sin embargo esto es interesante porque anoche mientras estaba ahí recordé algo que estoy leyendo de Sinclair B. Ferguson. En su libro “The sermón on the mount” (El sermón de la montana), el explica lo que Jesús nos quiso decir en Mathew 5:22-25, que si hay algo entre dos personas, discusiones, pleitos, peleas, malos entendidos o como sea que lo quiera llamar, que no pase mucho tiempo sin que se resuelvan esas cuestiones…¡básicamente que hablen! Pero lo que también dice, y esto es lo interesante, que Jesús no nos esta diciendo que compartamos cada pensamiento en nuestros corazones, contarle a otros no nos va a llevar a la santificación. Lo que Jesús dice es, aceptá la responsabilidad y arreglá cualquier problema antes de que se produzca una muerte espiritual.
Entonces vuelvo a una vieja pregunta , ¿tiene sentido contarle a otros nuestros mayores temores, fracasos o tristezas? Ummm. No sé.
Necesito pensar un poco más al respecto. Lo que si sé es que necesito ejercitar la palabra “GRACE”…
...pero en mi mismo.
Wednesday, June 01, 2005
The grapes of wrath
Hoy me desperté con una pregunta dando vueltas por mi cabeza:
¿Las personas son tontas, estupidas, retardadas, egoístas,
creídas, ORGULLOSAS, superadas, vanidosas, autosuficientes y todo adjetivo calificativo que se me escape en este preciso momento, por naturaleza?
o ¿por qué en realidad les encanta fastidiar a los demás?
¿Qué hace a una persona creerse indispensable, indiferente, que todo le resbala?
¿Por qué si hacemos algo mal, somos crucificados o
juzgados como lo peor de este mundo?
Alguien conoce el verdadero significado de la palabra GRACIA,
a veces parece que todos son eruditos en cuanto a su significado, pero la verdad es que son muy poco didácticos al momento de ponerla en práctica.
Todos parecen ser expertos en su uso, pero a veces parece que solo
saben deletrearla y no tienen la menor idea de lo que significa.
¡GRACIA, no es tener lastima! ¿O si? Si contarle a alguien nuestro
mayor dolor o error tiene como resultado un manto de lastima encubierto
en uno de GRACIA, Shame on you people!!
No tienen ni idea de lo que están hablando.
Después de compartir el dolor de nuestros corazones,
nuestras almas, cosas que hemos llevado por mucho o poco tiempo
dentro nuestro; esperamos que el amor que se profesa sea verdadero
y no una patética obra de teatro.
Nadie pide lo que no existe, solo se pide un poco de sinceridad.
Hey, yo se que soy muy demandante, que siento que nadie me quiere y
bla, bla, bla. Pero, HOLA,¿¿¿ alguien se puso en mis zapatos???
Siempre es mejor probarse los zapatos de la vidriera de la zapatería,
esos que nos fascinan cada vez que pasamos por ahí y sabemos que nos quedan bien.
Estoy cansado de negativas, de creer que siempre es mi culpa,
de ser el primero para pedir perdón por cosas que no hago.
De pedir perdón cuando me atacan gratuitamente, estoy cansado de tener que preguntar siempre y que no me demuestren el mínimo de confianza.
Estoy cansado de ser bueno.
Estoy cansado de pedir un abrazo, de pedir un tiempo juntos,
de ser siempre el que da el primer paso.
Estoy cansado (punto)
Las cosas que pude haber escrito pueden herir la sensibilidad del lector,
Hoy es 1ro de Junio de 2005, 9:51am.
Y así me levante hoy…espero seguir así
y no tan entupidamente vulnerable como siempre.
¿Las personas son tontas, estupidas, retardadas, egoístas,
creídas, ORGULLOSAS, superadas, vanidosas, autosuficientes y todo adjetivo calificativo que se me escape en este preciso momento, por naturaleza?
o ¿por qué en realidad les encanta fastidiar a los demás?
¿Qué hace a una persona creerse indispensable, indiferente, que todo le resbala?
¿Por qué si hacemos algo mal, somos crucificados o
juzgados como lo peor de este mundo?
Alguien conoce el verdadero significado de la palabra GRACIA,
a veces parece que todos son eruditos en cuanto a su significado, pero la verdad es que son muy poco didácticos al momento de ponerla en práctica.
Todos parecen ser expertos en su uso, pero a veces parece que solo
saben deletrearla y no tienen la menor idea de lo que significa.
¡GRACIA, no es tener lastima! ¿O si? Si contarle a alguien nuestro
mayor dolor o error tiene como resultado un manto de lastima encubierto
en uno de GRACIA, Shame on you people!!
No tienen ni idea de lo que están hablando.
Después de compartir el dolor de nuestros corazones,
nuestras almas, cosas que hemos llevado por mucho o poco tiempo
dentro nuestro; esperamos que el amor que se profesa sea verdadero
y no una patética obra de teatro.
Nadie pide lo que no existe, solo se pide un poco de sinceridad.
Hey, yo se que soy muy demandante, que siento que nadie me quiere y
bla, bla, bla. Pero, HOLA,¿¿¿ alguien se puso en mis zapatos???
Siempre es mejor probarse los zapatos de la vidriera de la zapatería,
esos que nos fascinan cada vez que pasamos por ahí y sabemos que nos quedan bien.
Estoy cansado de negativas, de creer que siempre es mi culpa,
de ser el primero para pedir perdón por cosas que no hago.
De pedir perdón cuando me atacan gratuitamente, estoy cansado de tener que preguntar siempre y que no me demuestren el mínimo de confianza.
Estoy cansado de ser bueno.
Estoy cansado de pedir un abrazo, de pedir un tiempo juntos,
de ser siempre el que da el primer paso.
Estoy cansado (punto)
Las cosas que pude haber escrito pueden herir la sensibilidad del lector,
Hoy es 1ro de Junio de 2005, 9:51am.
Y así me levante hoy…espero seguir así
y no tan entupidamente vulnerable como siempre.
Sunday, May 22, 2005
My roommates- Part III ( yastin)

Justin is the kind of guy you would love to meet in any period of your lifetime.
I got to meet him last year.It is said that its no good to judge a book by its cover,but thats what I did with Justin;and I think that was the first time I was not wrong.There was nothing against him, he seemed a cool guy,very friendly and talkative...He didnt know a lot spanish back then but believe me that he was able to find the ways to make himself clear.
I was staying in La Plata for a week,and during that time We set a time to have some spanish classes.So We would meet at "Rektorado" at noon for classes.I was really surprised cuz He happened to know more Spanish that the one I was told or the one that he spoke to me the very first time I met him.
The short version of the story and the most amazing one is that I ended up living with him (and obviously with the rest of the gang).
And it is there where everything got started.
Justin's heart is "enorme", which is kinda strange for an only child.I remember finishing having dinner and while we were doing the dishes we would get into those deep conversations, and the interesting thing is that it hadnt been long since We had met.
He is way younger than me but his wisdom...WOW! its awesome!
I am the kind of guy that is always packed with questions.But not only question about ordinary life,but enquiries as regards the christian living and everytime I had one, I would go to him and he would always have an answer for it...or at least a word.
Time passed by, and I changed...or we changed.We didnt hang out o lot...and an unexpected situation would show me that I was taking Justin for granted. Sorry man! But fortunaltely,God provided with the right time and the right words to solve the situation.
What I also like about him is that he trusts me, and let me explain this...he wrestled while in his college years and somehow I was interested in this sport.I thought I was too old for it, or at least to learn something about it.However,he was really encouraging and taught me a couple of moves...and once in a while we would get into these "classes" where he always kicked my butt! but I like it!
But its his passion that catches my attention...His desire to share his faith is UNBELIEVABLE! Im not really sure, but He might be a bit discourage to do it for not having a lot of vocabulary in Spanish, but still he would go out off to campus to spread the word among the students from Odontologia and you should see his smile when he achieves it!
We have had our bad days but I love the fact that when We screw it up, we leave no room for our pridefullness and selfishness and we wont let the sun go down before things are fixed.
Im so glad that I may have the chance to live with him one more year...
oh,wait,...He is not perfect and you know why? he is a NCSTATE fan!
love you justin, and you know that!
Friday, May 20, 2005
runnig out of time
Romanos 2:5
But because of your stubbornnes and unrepentant heart
you are storing up wrath for yourself
in the day of the wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.Esta manana estaba leyendo 1 Timothy capitulo 2,
cuando por alguna razon termine leyendo Romanos y
lei el versiculo que cite arriba.
Una y otra vez venia la misma pregunta a mi cabeza:
este persona,soy yo?
Tal vez,hay cosas a mi alrededor que aun no puedo ver;
lo note antes de ayer cuando me hicieron ver que hay comportamientos
en mi vida que no han cambiado y que ya deberian.
La verdad es que yo quiero,pero no puedo...
14For we know that the Law is spiritual,
but I am of flesh,sold into bondage to sin.
15For what I am doing,I do not understand;
for I am not practicing what I would like to do,
but I am doing the very thing I hate.
16But if I do the very thing I do not want to do,
I agree with the Law, confessing that the Law is good.
17So now,no longer am I the one doing it,
but sin which dwells in me.
18For I know that nothing good dwells in me,
that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me,
but the doing of the good is not.
19For the good that I want, I do not do,
but I practice the very evil that I do not want.
20But if I am doing the very thing I do not want,
I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.
21I find then the principle that evil is present in me,
the one who wants to do good.
22For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man,
23but I see a different law in the members of my body,
waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner
of the law of sin which is in my members.
24Wretched man that I am!
Who will set me free from the body of this death?
Romans 7:14-24
Pregunta: who will set me free from the body of this death?
Respuesta: Christ Jesus!
Pregunta: quien es el que no esta funcionado?
Respuesta: YO
Comentario: Esto sucede por buscar la aceptacion de las personas, en vez de buscar la de Dios, MI Senor y MI Salvador!
Comentario: muchas veces me enojo conmigo mismo por hacerlo,pero no lo puedo evitar.
Pregunta:Conozco en realidad lo que pasa a mi alrededor,puntualmente ciertas personas?
Respuesta:Si, pero no quiero reconocer que no soy parte de sus vidas.
Pregunta: cuanto tiempo mas pasara?
Respuesta: Tanto como yo lo quiera.
Comentario: Fabian, you are running out of time...
But because of your stubbornnes and unrepentant heart
you are storing up wrath for yourself
in the day of the wrath and revelation of the righteous judgment of God.Esta manana estaba leyendo 1 Timothy capitulo 2,
cuando por alguna razon termine leyendo Romanos y
lei el versiculo que cite arriba.
Una y otra vez venia la misma pregunta a mi cabeza:
este persona,soy yo?
Tal vez,hay cosas a mi alrededor que aun no puedo ver;
lo note antes de ayer cuando me hicieron ver que hay comportamientos
en mi vida que no han cambiado y que ya deberian.
La verdad es que yo quiero,pero no puedo...
14For we know that the Law is spiritual,
but I am of flesh,sold into bondage to sin.
15For what I am doing,I do not understand;
for I am not practicing what I would like to do,
but I am doing the very thing I hate.
16But if I do the very thing I do not want to do,
I agree with the Law, confessing that the Law is good.
17So now,no longer am I the one doing it,
but sin which dwells in me.
18For I know that nothing good dwells in me,
that is, in my flesh; for the willing is present in me,
but the doing of the good is not.
19For the good that I want, I do not do,
but I practice the very evil that I do not want.
20But if I am doing the very thing I do not want,
I am no longer the one doing it, but sin which dwells in me.
21I find then the principle that evil is present in me,
the one who wants to do good.
22For I joyfully concur with the law of God in the inner man,
23but I see a different law in the members of my body,
waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner
of the law of sin which is in my members.
24Wretched man that I am!
Who will set me free from the body of this death?
Romans 7:14-24
Pregunta: who will set me free from the body of this death?
Respuesta: Christ Jesus!
Pregunta: quien es el que no esta funcionado?
Respuesta: YO
Comentario: Esto sucede por buscar la aceptacion de las personas, en vez de buscar la de Dios, MI Senor y MI Salvador!
Comentario: muchas veces me enojo conmigo mismo por hacerlo,pero no lo puedo evitar.
Pregunta:Conozco en realidad lo que pasa a mi alrededor,puntualmente ciertas personas?
Respuesta:Si, pero no quiero reconocer que no soy parte de sus vidas.
Pregunta: cuanto tiempo mas pasara?
Respuesta: Tanto como yo lo quiera.
Comentario: Fabian, you are running out of time...
Saturday, May 07, 2005
Filosofia barata y zapatos de goma.
Hace unos dias me quede sorprendido de ver que mucha gente
presta mucha atencion con respecto a la ropa que usas,
la marca que tenes en tu ropa o que estas usando indistintamente.
Me sorprendio, porque por lo general no presto atencion a esas cosas, salvo que yo sea el que las vaya a usar.
Es interesante escuchar o ver la reaccion de las personas
cuando ven lo que llevas puesto. Enseguida quieren saber si es tuyo o no,
si lo tenias de antes, o simplemente quieren saber porque tenes puesto
lo que tenes puesto.
No estoy diciendo que nadie puede aconsejarte en como combinar
los colores o el tipo de camisa que tenes que llevar con determinado pantalon...
pero de ahi a solo querer saber por el solo hecho de saber...wow!
La verdad es que me pone un poco de mal humor porque parece que
todo tiene ver con lo superficial...tal vez este equivocado con mi observacion,
pero no creo que lo este al cien por cien.
Lo que me gustaria saber es: que lleva a una persona a querer saber todas esas cosas; curiosidad? falta de un topico interesante? algo de ...? la verdad es que no tengo ni idea. Any suggestion? I will really appreciate it!
presta mucha atencion con respecto a la ropa que usas,
la marca que tenes en tu ropa o que estas usando indistintamente.
Me sorprendio, porque por lo general no presto atencion a esas cosas, salvo que yo sea el que las vaya a usar.
Es interesante escuchar o ver la reaccion de las personas
cuando ven lo que llevas puesto. Enseguida quieren saber si es tuyo o no,
si lo tenias de antes, o simplemente quieren saber porque tenes puesto
lo que tenes puesto.
No estoy diciendo que nadie puede aconsejarte en como combinar
los colores o el tipo de camisa que tenes que llevar con determinado pantalon...
pero de ahi a solo querer saber por el solo hecho de saber...wow!
La verdad es que me pone un poco de mal humor porque parece que
todo tiene ver con lo superficial...tal vez este equivocado con mi observacion,
pero no creo que lo este al cien por cien.
Lo que me gustaria saber es: que lleva a una persona a querer saber todas esas cosas; curiosidad? falta de un topico interesante? algo de ...? la verdad es que no tengo ni idea. Any suggestion? I will really appreciate it!
Sunday, May 01, 2005
My roomates- Yeison Blair Part II

La primera vez que conoci a Jason fue hace un tiempo atras, cuando vino a Argentina en un proyecto de verano. La verdad es que no pasamos mucho tiempo juntos durante su mes y medio aca.A cenar salimos solo una vez, y creo que fue la primera noche, lo hicimos el, Phil y yo.
Yo vi a Jason como uno de esos chicos muy callados,de los cuales es muy dificil saber algo. Y no era callado porque no hablara castellano ( su castellano es optimo!), sino porque era parte de su naturaleza, creo que aun lo sigue siendo.
A finales de 2003, me ofrecieron vivir con el, tenia un poquito de miedo, porque bueno, habia pasado mucho tiempo rodeado de americanos,pero de ahi a compartir el mismo techo, era mas que un desafio.Sin embargo, lo acepte.
Nada de que arrepentirme, aprendi muchisimo de su pais, su cultura...Es increible lo que sabe de historia!!!
Anyways,mi idea de que era un chico que no hablaba mucho no ha cambiado. Debo reconocer que si me llevo mucho tiempo conocerlo, parte de eso fue mi culpa por no intentar acercarme mas. Descubri que destras de esos "rulitos" hay una persona que puede compartir lo que tiene dentro.Ser su "roommate" fue uno de los privilegios que jamas he tenido,aunque no voy a negar que un par de veces me senti medio solo; pero tampoco voy a negar que jamas intente buscarlo para que pasaramos tiempo juntos y conocer de nuestras vidas.
Imagino que el habra tenido sus momentos de soledad y yo no estaba ahi para contarle un mal chiste o algo asi y poder robarle una sonrisa.
De Jason me gusta esa "carcajada" espontanea que tiene...no importa cuan malo sea el chiste, el se rie igual...Me gusta cuando vamos a comer y agradece por la comida...siempre es cortito y al pie. No muchas vueltas.
OH, casi me olvido...Jason fue el roommate mas silencioso que jamas he tenido...pero cuando digo que era silencioso,lo era....wait, lo sigue siendo
Lo que tambien me gusta mucho de el es que re-neat! Es ordenado. Jamas vi su habitacion en descontrol.
Su paciencia para conmigo es una gran virtud, imagino que alguna vez, aunque no me dijo nada, le habre sacado de sus casillas.
Pero lo que mas sobre sale de su "historia" es el hecho de quedarse un anio mas en La Plata para compartir su fe con los estudiantes de mi pais. Se que no ha sido facil para el hacerlo!!
I will miss you, dude! I have great memories, being your roommate was a privilege.
Thursday, April 28, 2005
My roommates- Mi hermano menor-Part I

Landry is the guy I share the bedroom with . I met him at the end of October 2004.
We didn't hang out a lot at the beginning; we would speak about this and that, but nothing that would make us get to know each other deeply.
He is the kind of guy I call "observadores".He might be with a bunch of people having a wonderful time,however,he will take a moment to see the world around.
What I like about him is that in spite of the fact that he is young he has a sense of maturity,like he won't speak unless he has something really important to say.
Lando is such an easy person to be around, I have never seen him in a bad mood.The first thing I see in the mornings when I wake up is his smile (well, after he has taken a shower, before that... He is so sleepy :) I guess the only one who can wipe that smile off his face it's me...yep! I am what people usually call "un insoportable".Gosh, he is so patient with me!
One day I did something I thought would teach him a lesson, but the truth is that He got so mad, I thought he would punch me...I was not afraid though!
Lando's heart is so freaking BIG! He says he has changed a lot;its hard to think about him being otherwise.
His walking with the Lord is one of the things that encourages me a ton! And this is part of the maturity I mentioned a couple of lines above.If he ever leaves, I will take with me part of his passion, his heart,his love for others...His love for JESUS!
Recently, I got to realize why he is in my life...Blessings are the things that God continuous to bestow on me, and Landry is one of them.
As for the bad things...? He is the only one to know that,no room for them in this blog.
What I like about you:
When you speak "castellano"
When you sing...off key
When you say..."y bueno"
when you have clowns for breakfast, lunch or dinner
you like oldies
When you give me huggs
When you read the Bible to me
When you are there every time I need you
Thanks for loving me!
Saturday, April 23, 2005
the real meaning.
Well, I have to say that last night I felt more inspired to blog than I do this morning but still I will do it.
The last two blogs I posted are the things that pretty much are in my heart...
thats why I feel like focusing on lyrics today.
This guy-Jeremy Camp...his lyrics are amazing!
Its so cool when you get to understand the concept of a song...its meaning.
Back in highschool, I would listen to a bunch of songs and honestly the only thing I liked about them was the rhythm...I couldnt speak English back then so getting to understand the real meaning of them was kind of a mission:impossible.
But the truth is that I cant blame on songs in a foreign language b/c even when I hardly listen to Argentine(en castellano) music today, I used to do it in my teenage years and I wouldnt pay attention to the lyrics either. Most of the time I would end up singing songs that were horrible...
Oh! there's a song that just poped into my head, its called "Wind of change", this is funny, the dj would play the song, and every single human being would jumped to the "pista" to dance with his/her endless love, and they would whisper the song as if they were performing an anthem of love...well, in fact they were doing it, but not to love, but to freedom! Que navos que eramos!!
Anyways,this is an "episode" that change my concept of listening to music. I knew this girl,who after coming back from Canada and being part of a exchange student program, her English was almost perfect.If there is something cool about going dancing is to have a friend in the right place... and guess what? the dj happened to be a friend of mine,so some times I would be a sort of secretary for my other friends who would request so many songs.
One night she wanted to listened to this song by Roxette "Spending my time" and she sort of explain to me what the song was about and from then on I decided that I would pay special attention to all the songs that I listened to.Sometimes, I was really surprised by most of them, and some others I was more than disappointed!
...WOW! all these memories take me back to the weekends when going out every Saturday night was freaking awesome during my youth, mainly b/c at the disco almost at the end of the night they would played all these "lentos"...Oh my gosh!! Those songs are incredible...I say "are" 'cause most of them are still transcendent...like "Hotel California", "I dont know much","Against all odds","Against the Wind",and so on.
I got to realize that music is quite an interesting channel for pouring out your heart and not just a combination of notes and words...I guess when you are young the only thing you want to listen to is your own voice and your own words.You want the whole world to understand what you have to say...I never wrote a song but I did write some other stuff...(thats for another blog).
I would encourage you not just to listen to the rhythm of a song, but to listen to the lyrics...
If you are not a Christian I encourage you as well to listen to this guy(Jeremy Camp), who performs Christian music...and some others like Shane & Shane, Casting Crowns,Caedmon's call, Third day and why not Danilo Montero (one of my roomate and brother's favourite).
If you are already a Jesus' friend, you know what I am talking about...
And as regards my last two blogs...those songs speak for me...so theres nothing to add.
The last two blogs I posted are the things that pretty much are in my heart...
thats why I feel like focusing on lyrics today.
This guy-Jeremy Camp...his lyrics are amazing!
Its so cool when you get to understand the concept of a song...its meaning.
Back in highschool, I would listen to a bunch of songs and honestly the only thing I liked about them was the rhythm...I couldnt speak English back then so getting to understand the real meaning of them was kind of a mission:impossible.
But the truth is that I cant blame on songs in a foreign language b/c even when I hardly listen to Argentine(en castellano) music today, I used to do it in my teenage years and I wouldnt pay attention to the lyrics either. Most of the time I would end up singing songs that were horrible...
Oh! there's a song that just poped into my head, its called "Wind of change", this is funny, the dj would play the song, and every single human being would jumped to the "pista" to dance with his/her endless love, and they would whisper the song as if they were performing an anthem of love...well, in fact they were doing it, but not to love, but to freedom! Que navos que eramos!!
Anyways,this is an "episode" that change my concept of listening to music. I knew this girl,who after coming back from Canada and being part of a exchange student program, her English was almost perfect.If there is something cool about going dancing is to have a friend in the right place... and guess what? the dj happened to be a friend of mine,so some times I would be a sort of secretary for my other friends who would request so many songs.
One night she wanted to listened to this song by Roxette "Spending my time" and she sort of explain to me what the song was about and from then on I decided that I would pay special attention to all the songs that I listened to.Sometimes, I was really surprised by most of them, and some others I was more than disappointed!
...WOW! all these memories take me back to the weekends when going out every Saturday night was freaking awesome during my youth, mainly b/c at the disco almost at the end of the night they would played all these "lentos"...Oh my gosh!! Those songs are incredible...I say "are" 'cause most of them are still transcendent...like "Hotel California", "I dont know much","Against all odds","Against the Wind",and so on.
I got to realize that music is quite an interesting channel for pouring out your heart and not just a combination of notes and words...I guess when you are young the only thing you want to listen to is your own voice and your own words.You want the whole world to understand what you have to say...I never wrote a song but I did write some other stuff...(thats for another blog).
I would encourage you not just to listen to the rhythm of a song, but to listen to the lyrics...
If you are not a Christian I encourage you as well to listen to this guy(Jeremy Camp), who performs Christian music...and some others like Shane & Shane, Casting Crowns,Caedmon's call, Third day and why not Danilo Montero (one of my roomate and brother's favourite).
If you are already a Jesus' friend, you know what I am talking about...
And as regards my last two blogs...those songs speak for me...so theres nothing to add.
Thursday, April 21, 2005
Holding on...
Every single word I say
You know it before I speak
You know every thought
The deepest part of me
You draw me closer than I see
Your presence is every thing I need to be
The child that you've created me to be
I'm ready now to see it your way
I lay down my pride
My desires my demise
I'm ready now to see it your way
I'm done I'm thru ignoring you now it's true
I'm kneeling at the cross of your grace
Lay down my pride
I was faced with passing time
But I knew the choice was mine
To finally come to you
And give you all control
I've wandered miles to find my way
And then you revealed this simple faith
I know that you can see the secrets of my soul
The cross the blood you shed for me
Your back was ripped and bruised
So I can know your love
I kneel I bow to you my king
Jeremy Camp (My disire)
You know it before I speak
You know every thought
The deepest part of me
You draw me closer than I see
Your presence is every thing I need to be
The child that you've created me to be
I'm ready now to see it your way
I lay down my pride
My desires my demise
I'm ready now to see it your way
I'm done I'm thru ignoring you now it's true
I'm kneeling at the cross of your grace
Lay down my pride
I was faced with passing time
But I knew the choice was mine
To finally come to you
And give you all control
I've wandered miles to find my way
And then you revealed this simple faith
I know that you can see the secrets of my soul
The cross the blood you shed for me
Your back was ripped and bruised
So I can know your love
I kneel I bow to you my king
Jeremy Camp (My disire)
Monday, April 18, 2005
The pain inside
It's funny that way,
you can get used to the tears and the pain.
What a child will believe!
You never loved me
You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself
Seems like yesterday
I lay down next to your shoes and I prayed
For your anger to end
Oh Mother I have sinned
Oh Mother, if you never wanted to live that way
if you never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away?
Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too
you can get used to the tears and the pain.
What a child will believe!
You never loved me
You can't hurt me now
I got away from you, I never thought I would
You can't make me cry, you once had the power
I never felt so good about myself
Seems like yesterday
I lay down next to your shoes and I prayed
For your anger to end
Oh Mother I have sinned
Oh Mother, if you never wanted to live that way
if you never wanted to hurt me
Why am I running away?
Maybe someday
When I look back I'll be able to say
You didn't mean to be cruel
Somebody hurt you too
Saturday, April 16, 2005
Una de las cosas que más me disgustan acerca de mi es cuando borro con el codo lo que escribo con la mano.
Hace un par de días atrás tuve esta pequeña erupción volcánica dentro mio donde lo único que parecía expulsar era sentimientos encontrados, que poco tenían que ver con lo que realmente me estaba pasando. Ese papel de actor de novela barata en el que me puse, ahora que estoy mucho más tranquilo, fue una estupides.
De lo que estoy hablando es acerca de la sin sentido y ridícula teoría de querer cerrar mi corazón para no quedar al descubierto, para ser menos vulnerable y bla, bla, bla...A veces pienso que pertenecer al grupo de los argentinos que lo único que hacen todo el día es quejarse y no hacer nada para cambiar aquello que supuestamente los está molestando, es lo decisión más comoda que puedo tomar.
Además, what the heck is wrong with me? Me estoy dejando llevar por mis sentimientos y estoy ignorando lo que Dios me esta diciendo por medio de su palabra...
Anoche estuve hablando con un amigo por teléfono y me hizo entender que estaba completamente equivocado, que cerrar mi corazón no era una buena idea y que debía hablar con las personas que más tenga confianza de lo que pasa en mi corazón.
Muchas veces escucho la palabra de Dios y no hago lo que debería hacer. Y esa es parte de mi frustración...y creo que es lo que Santiago dice en su carta:
James 1: 22-24
22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.Esto que está escrito acá es exactamente lo que soy YO! Muchas de las veces leo, analizo y entiendo lo que dicen las diferentes cartas o pasajes, pero dejo escapar el hecho de que leer es sólo el primer paso, el segundo es HACER lo que la Biblia me ordena que haga...Pareciera como que a veces todo lo que esta escrito ahí, lo veo como una simple sugerencia. ¡Qué zapallo que soy!
Santiago sigue diciendo:
Jamnes 1:25
25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it–he will be blessed in what he does.
Durante la convesación hablabamos de cómo le va en sus estudios, cómo le va en este bendito país y ese tipo de cosas...pero un un momento me preguntó cómo estaba yo y cómo estaba mi corazón, a lo que yo respondí con una evasiva, mi nueva resolución de no compartir con nadie más lo que pasa en mi corazón, no me dejo lugar para otra cosa. Igualmente, el insistió y le explique lo que yo pensaba y lo que había decidido y sin mas me contestó con un versículo:
13Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-16)
(Lo que esta en bastardilla fue lo que de hecho me dijo, pero quise copiar el resto para no sacar contexto)
Me hizo ver que estaba completamente equivocado y que esas son el tipo de mentiras que satanás nos dice para hacernos creer que estamos completamente solos y que nadie nos quiere...Oops! creo que hasta un cierto punto yo lo estaba creyendo, deje que satanás me volviera a enganiar.
La conversación fue más extensa, pero en resumen, sentí que no puedo ser tan cabeza dura y tirar todo por la borda tan rápido sin siquiera pensar un poco más de lo común. Usar un poco más mi cabeza y no ser tan "sencible".
En cuanto a borrar con el codo lo que escribi con la mano, que puedo decir? Soy muy impulsivo y a veces digo o hago cosas de las que después me arrepiento.
Hace un par de días atrás tuve esta pequeña erupción volcánica dentro mio donde lo único que parecía expulsar era sentimientos encontrados, que poco tenían que ver con lo que realmente me estaba pasando. Ese papel de actor de novela barata en el que me puse, ahora que estoy mucho más tranquilo, fue una estupides.
De lo que estoy hablando es acerca de la sin sentido y ridícula teoría de querer cerrar mi corazón para no quedar al descubierto, para ser menos vulnerable y bla, bla, bla...A veces pienso que pertenecer al grupo de los argentinos que lo único que hacen todo el día es quejarse y no hacer nada para cambiar aquello que supuestamente los está molestando, es lo decisión más comoda que puedo tomar.
Además, what the heck is wrong with me? Me estoy dejando llevar por mis sentimientos y estoy ignorando lo que Dios me esta diciendo por medio de su palabra...
Anoche estuve hablando con un amigo por teléfono y me hizo entender que estaba completamente equivocado, que cerrar mi corazón no era una buena idea y que debía hablar con las personas que más tenga confianza de lo que pasa en mi corazón.
Muchas veces escucho la palabra de Dios y no hago lo que debería hacer. Y esa es parte de mi frustración...y creo que es lo que Santiago dice en su carta:
James 1: 22-24
22Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. 23Anyone who listens to the word but does not do what it says is like a man who looks at his face in a mirror 24and, after looking at himself, goes away and immediately forgets what he looks like.Esto que está escrito acá es exactamente lo que soy YO! Muchas de las veces leo, analizo y entiendo lo que dicen las diferentes cartas o pasajes, pero dejo escapar el hecho de que leer es sólo el primer paso, el segundo es HACER lo que la Biblia me ordena que haga...Pareciera como que a veces todo lo que esta escrito ahí, lo veo como una simple sugerencia. ¡Qué zapallo que soy!
Santiago sigue diciendo:
Jamnes 1:25
25But the man who looks intently into the perfect law that gives freedom, and continues to do this, not forgetting what he has heard, but doing it–he will be blessed in what he does.
Durante la convesación hablabamos de cómo le va en sus estudios, cómo le va en este bendito país y ese tipo de cosas...pero un un momento me preguntó cómo estaba yo y cómo estaba mi corazón, a lo que yo respondí con una evasiva, mi nueva resolución de no compartir con nadie más lo que pasa en mi corazón, no me dejo lugar para otra cosa. Igualmente, el insistió y le explique lo que yo pensaba y lo que había decidido y sin mas me contestó con un versículo:
13Is any one of you in trouble? He should pray. Is anyone happy? Let him sing songs of praise. 14Is any one of you sick? He should call the elders of the church to pray over him and anoint him with oil in the name of the Lord. 15And the prayer offered in faith will make the sick person well; the Lord will raise him up. If he has sinned, he will be forgiven. 16Therefore confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous man is powerful and effective. (James 5:13-16)
(Lo que esta en bastardilla fue lo que de hecho me dijo, pero quise copiar el resto para no sacar contexto)
Me hizo ver que estaba completamente equivocado y que esas son el tipo de mentiras que satanás nos dice para hacernos creer que estamos completamente solos y que nadie nos quiere...Oops! creo que hasta un cierto punto yo lo estaba creyendo, deje que satanás me volviera a enganiar.
La conversación fue más extensa, pero en resumen, sentí que no puedo ser tan cabeza dura y tirar todo por la borda tan rápido sin siquiera pensar un poco más de lo común. Usar un poco más mi cabeza y no ser tan "sencible".
En cuanto a borrar con el codo lo que escribi con la mano, que puedo decir? Soy muy impulsivo y a veces digo o hago cosas de las que después me arrepiento.
Monday, April 11, 2005
I wanna join the club!
Here I am, its almost one a.m. and I feel like being up the whole nite.
The thing is that I was on my bed reading and translating something for a friend of mine with the idea that eventually I would fall asleep but it didnt happen.So I got up and here we go...
Today, I got to make an important decision. Some people would say new resolution.
Today, I got to close my heart again,like it used to be when I was not a Christian. I think that pouring out my heart was one of the biggest mistakes ever.
I should have kept it that way for ever. Not matter what some people say (sorry JS!).
Sometimes its better that way. When you open up your heart that makes you weak, vulnerable...so freaking stupid.
What's with sharing burdens? does it make any difference? maybe, but 99.99% is useless. There are tons of things happening in our lives but HEY! wake up! Thats our life and we have to deal with it,dont We?
Dont get me wrong! I am a Christian and I know that the only who can help me in my distress is God...the rest...is bs,but what's with telling stuff to people about us...will anything change in our real world? I dont think so.
And so far, I keep sinning b/c deep inside I know I am still taking control of my life and trying to solve my problems by myself.
I know what you're thinking right now: Fabian, if sharing burdens is meanigless, Why are you blogging?
Right! Thats the point, d'you remember my first blog? "who do we write for?" well, I think we write for ourselves, to say things that we woundnt say to ourselves otherwise...unless, you enjoy talking about the weather or how confused you are for not being able to choose between wearing a t-shirt or a shirt to go out for dinner!
Anyway, I feel I have let people know a lot about me,this is the exact time to shut my pie hole.
so, I guess from now on...I will love talking about trivial facts.
hey, welcome me to the club...this is hilarious!
The thing is that I was on my bed reading and translating something for a friend of mine with the idea that eventually I would fall asleep but it didnt happen.So I got up and here we go...
Today, I got to make an important decision. Some people would say new resolution.
Today, I got to close my heart again,like it used to be when I was not a Christian. I think that pouring out my heart was one of the biggest mistakes ever.
I should have kept it that way for ever. Not matter what some people say (sorry JS!).
Sometimes its better that way. When you open up your heart that makes you weak, vulnerable...so freaking stupid.
What's with sharing burdens? does it make any difference? maybe, but 99.99% is useless. There are tons of things happening in our lives but HEY! wake up! Thats our life and we have to deal with it,dont We?
Dont get me wrong! I am a Christian and I know that the only who can help me in my distress is God...the rest...is bs,but what's with telling stuff to people about us...will anything change in our real world? I dont think so.
And so far, I keep sinning b/c deep inside I know I am still taking control of my life and trying to solve my problems by myself.
I know what you're thinking right now: Fabian, if sharing burdens is meanigless, Why are you blogging?
Right! Thats the point, d'you remember my first blog? "who do we write for?" well, I think we write for ourselves, to say things that we woundnt say to ourselves otherwise...unless, you enjoy talking about the weather or how confused you are for not being able to choose between wearing a t-shirt or a shirt to go out for dinner!
Anyway, I feel I have let people know a lot about me,this is the exact time to shut my pie hole.
so, I guess from now on...I will love talking about trivial facts.
hey, welcome me to the club...this is hilarious!
Friday, April 08, 2005
Old memories from the 80's
Something funny happened today while Seba "Gaucho" and Gimena were putting things away in the Student Life Office. They found this magazine, mainly lyrics and tabs from these two Argentine singers from de 70's and 80's. Cesar "Banana" Pueyrredon and Alejandro Lerner, both of them being sort of popular these days among people my age.
Ok, the thing is that I was a Cesar "banana" fan. I love his music, his lyrics are absolutely awesome.
I used to work at the local radio station back home (General Alvear-Bs.As.), when a workmate first introduced me to Pueyrredon music, the very first minute I listened to his songs...I decided to start buying his albums.
Anyways,people!! If you have the chance to listen to one of his songs you will realize what I am talking about. Some people will say: the music is so from those times, but just listen to the lyrics and you will see. Hey, nobody is perfect, some lyrics are kinda funny though.
However, the most important thing about it is that my old highschool flame got to like him as well. And those memories came into my mind today when these guys found the magazine.
What songs do I recommend? Amor te quiero todavia, Habia una vez un gran amor, No quiero ser mas tu amigo, Mas cerca de la vida...I could spend the whole nite sharing with you all the songs I love.
well, that's all for the time being.
Ok, the thing is that I was a Cesar "banana" fan. I love his music, his lyrics are absolutely awesome.
I used to work at the local radio station back home (General Alvear-Bs.As.), when a workmate first introduced me to Pueyrredon music, the very first minute I listened to his songs...I decided to start buying his albums.
Anyways,people!! If you have the chance to listen to one of his songs you will realize what I am talking about. Some people will say: the music is so from those times, but just listen to the lyrics and you will see. Hey, nobody is perfect, some lyrics are kinda funny though.
However, the most important thing about it is that my old highschool flame got to like him as well. And those memories came into my mind today when these guys found the magazine.
What songs do I recommend? Amor te quiero todavia, Habia una vez un gran amor, No quiero ser mas tu amigo, Mas cerca de la vida...I could spend the whole nite sharing with you all the songs I love.
well, that's all for the time being.
The things we do
Today is one of those days when I feel useful. I didnt sleep well last nite but still I feel ok. One of the things I enjoy the most is when I serve people I love...
(I know what you are thinking right now:
what about serving people you dont know?), well, thats true, but this time I served someone I care, and that made my day. A friend told me once that I am "worthy", today I found out he was right.
thanx JS
(I know what you are thinking right now:
what about serving people you dont know?), well, thats true, but this time I served someone I care, and that made my day. A friend told me once that I am "worthy", today I found out he was right.
thanx JS
Wednesday, April 06, 2005
El hombre
Esta maniana me levante temprano y me duche. Me vesti y prepare mis cosas en un silencio casi absoluto (raro en mi-no queria despertar a mi companiero de cuarto). Una vez listo, fui a pasar mi tiempo con Dios. Parecia ser una maniana muy linda en cuanto a la buena musica que estaban pasando en el bar que suelo ir,no hacia nada de frio, solo estabamos ahi dos personas. Me sorprendio ver que otra vez cambiaron la moza. No se, tal vez las van rotando...
En fin, todo estaba tranquilisimo hasta que llego este hombre que parecia ser-para mi gusto- demasiado amable. Pidio algo, y mientras lo tomaba parececia murmurar algo,lo raro era que estaba solo. Sobre la mesa habia un libro(fotocopiado)por lo que pense que era un estudiante, aunque su edad lo delataba...parecia tener unos 40.
De todas formas,hasta ese momento todo estaba a full.De repente, un chico de unos 24 anios entra al lugar y se sienta en su mesa, era inevitable poder no escuchar lo que estaban diciendo, mas teniendo en cuenta que la mesa en la que estaban sentados estaba junto a la mia. El chico parecia disculparse por haber llegado tarde, pero al hombre no parecia importarle demasiado.
Lo que a mi me importo un poco es que el estimado senior comenzo a hablar, pero usando un tono medio alto, mas teniendo en cuanta el lugar en el que estaba, como si quisiera que lo escucharan...trate de concentrarme en lo que yo estaba haciendo, pero la verdad es que soy una persona muy dispersa y tiendo a distraerme con cualquier cosa.
En uno de esas subidas de tono, escuche la palabra "masones"...y dejenme decirles que por lo poco que pude entender de esa conversacion, creo que el hombre es parte de ellos...si es que "ellos" significa algo.
Lo que me puso mal es que el chico parecia estar buscando un significado para su vida...por las pocas veces que hablo (en general el hombre tenia la palabra), paracia estar perdido y muy confundido.Senti ganas de levantarme de la mesa y acercarme para decirle al flaco que no se dejara enganiar, pero no tuve el coraje de hacerlo...no se por que!
Mi humor no era el mismo con el cual habia llegado, asi que decidi cerrar mis Biblia, mi Sermon de la montania y mi cuaderno y sali para mi departamento.
Me senti frustrado, pero a la vez pienso que yo no soy nadie para meterme e interrumpir la canversacion de nadie...tenemos derecho a escuchar, hablar de lo que queramos...el punto es quien dice que.
En fin, todo estaba tranquilisimo hasta que llego este hombre que parecia ser-para mi gusto- demasiado amable. Pidio algo, y mientras lo tomaba parececia murmurar algo,lo raro era que estaba solo. Sobre la mesa habia un libro(fotocopiado)por lo que pense que era un estudiante, aunque su edad lo delataba...parecia tener unos 40.
De todas formas,hasta ese momento todo estaba a full.De repente, un chico de unos 24 anios entra al lugar y se sienta en su mesa, era inevitable poder no escuchar lo que estaban diciendo, mas teniendo en cuenta que la mesa en la que estaban sentados estaba junto a la mia. El chico parecia disculparse por haber llegado tarde, pero al hombre no parecia importarle demasiado.
Lo que a mi me importo un poco es que el estimado senior comenzo a hablar, pero usando un tono medio alto, mas teniendo en cuanta el lugar en el que estaba, como si quisiera que lo escucharan...trate de concentrarme en lo que yo estaba haciendo, pero la verdad es que soy una persona muy dispersa y tiendo a distraerme con cualquier cosa.
En uno de esas subidas de tono, escuche la palabra "masones"...y dejenme decirles que por lo poco que pude entender de esa conversacion, creo que el hombre es parte de ellos...si es que "ellos" significa algo.
Lo que me puso mal es que el chico parecia estar buscando un significado para su vida...por las pocas veces que hablo (en general el hombre tenia la palabra), paracia estar perdido y muy confundido.Senti ganas de levantarme de la mesa y acercarme para decirle al flaco que no se dejara enganiar, pero no tuve el coraje de hacerlo...no se por que!
Mi humor no era el mismo con el cual habia llegado, asi que decidi cerrar mis Biblia, mi Sermon de la montania y mi cuaderno y sali para mi departamento.
Me senti frustrado, pero a la vez pienso que yo no soy nadie para meterme e interrumpir la canversacion de nadie...tenemos derecho a escuchar, hablar de lo que queramos...el punto es quien dice que.
Thursday, March 31, 2005
Seeking God
ok, here I am sitting in front of this computer trying to elaborate some ideas to express how I feel about my relationship with God.
A couple of days ago I was reading this article on internet about being mad at God, and the truth is that I think I am really mad at Him...again!!
I say again, b/c after my dad passed away (20 years ago), I sort of blamed on God what was happening in my life.
I was not able to understand what I was doing wrong. I thought that I was doing great , being a nice kid, a good son, a wonderful grandson. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. So, after all my miceries I started wondering...what the heck was wrong with me?
I started questionig myself because I thought I deserved all this crap I was going through.
I needed 16 years to realized that I was wrong.
Life is not easy stupid, freaking boy!!! But someone taught me that there was a way to deal with all my stuff...and that, unfortunately, no matter how good I was or whatever I did...If I didnt give my life to Jesus, I would be living in complete frustration and defeated.
So, guess what?? I did give my life to Jesus, so I thought...but almost three years later I came to the conclusion that I kept living in destress b/c I havent surrendered my life to Him completely.
I overcame my dad's death but still there was and there is something that keeps holding me back and what I keep blaming God for...(this is what I found out reading this article.)
Now, Hebrews 6: 10 says: God is not unjust... and believe me!! I know that. What I'm waiting for is for Him to answer, why me?
And you know what? I hate it when HE speaks to me the way HE does it.Today,
HE told me that I need more faith, more patience, and hope. yes, HOPE... I so overlooked this word!! Gosh! I am a complete idiot!!!!!!
Therefore, I thought I have quit...well, I guess I havent yet.
I have to start seeking God again...and ask Him forgiveness, another concept I need to revise.
I've been chosen
A couple of days ago I was reading this article on internet about being mad at God, and the truth is that I think I am really mad at Him...again!!
I say again, b/c after my dad passed away (20 years ago), I sort of blamed on God what was happening in my life.
I was not able to understand what I was doing wrong. I thought that I was doing great , being a nice kid, a good son, a wonderful grandson. I thought I was doing what I was supposed to do. So, after all my miceries I started wondering...what the heck was wrong with me?
I started questionig myself because I thought I deserved all this crap I was going through.
I needed 16 years to realized that I was wrong.
Life is not easy stupid, freaking boy!!! But someone taught me that there was a way to deal with all my stuff...and that, unfortunately, no matter how good I was or whatever I did...If I didnt give my life to Jesus, I would be living in complete frustration and defeated.
So, guess what?? I did give my life to Jesus, so I thought...but almost three years later I came to the conclusion that I kept living in destress b/c I havent surrendered my life to Him completely.
I overcame my dad's death but still there was and there is something that keeps holding me back and what I keep blaming God for...(this is what I found out reading this article.)
Now, Hebrews 6: 10 says: God is not unjust... and believe me!! I know that. What I'm waiting for is for Him to answer, why me?
And you know what? I hate it when HE speaks to me the way HE does it.Today,
HE told me that I need more faith, more patience, and hope. yes, HOPE... I so overlooked this word!! Gosh! I am a complete idiot!!!!!!
Therefore, I thought I have quit...well, I guess I havent yet.
I have to start seeking God again...and ask Him forgiveness, another concept I need to revise.
I've been chosen
Saturday, March 26, 2005
This is me for real
whay should I believe? I cannot even sleep well. These weird dreams pop up into my mind at night and wont let me rest. I am not denying that there is someone up there that is watching down on earth. what I am saying is that that someone is not looking at me. Maybe I was not created for that purpose.
When people talk about hell, and that means to live separate from God for all eternity...I think that that is freaking hilareous! for me hell is here on earth. Each and every day is living in hell for me, waiting for a healing that may never come, longing to be accepted for God or for people who may not care about me.
This is so funny! what do you want from me?? I have nothing . I am not worthy, no matter what you say... I have run out of everything..
I am tired!
When people talk about hell, and that means to live separate from God for all eternity...I think that that is freaking hilareous! for me hell is here on earth. Each and every day is living in hell for me, waiting for a healing that may never come, longing to be accepted for God or for people who may not care about me.
This is so funny! what do you want from me?? I have nothing . I am not worthy, no matter what you say... I have run out of everything..
I am tired!
Thursday, March 24, 2005
Para quien escribimos?
Ok, acabo de abrir este sitio que se supone es para poder expresar lo que uno tenga ganas.
Sin embargo, son varias las preguntas que se me vienen a la mente: Para quien escribimos? Para nosotros mismos? o Para alguien en especial? Es una especie de ' journal' donde uno puede escribir lo primero que se le venga a la mente sin importar las 'casualties' o tendre que hablar de las personas que cuidan los autos o del frio que hace en esta simpatica ciudad?
Es divertido. Recuerdo a mi profesora de Lengua Inglesa 3, que como tarea, siempre, o casi siempre habia que escribir un ensayo...lo comico de esto es que mientras se suponia que teniamos que escribir de situaciones reales, para asi poder tener coherencia en lo que escribiamos, ella nos daba el titulo de lo que teniamos que desarrollar. Entonces, al final terminaba escribiendo lo que ella queria leer y no lo que yo queria escribir. Ni hablar de las veces que cambie el titulo de los ensayos para poder expresar alguna idea propia, de las cuales estoy bastante contento.
El punto es, si escribir en esta 'hoja' en blanco sera lo mismo que mis clases de lengua inglesa? terminare razonando sobre gente o cosas que no conozco? o voy a escribir y perpetuar (por un tiempo) lo que mi mente deje fluir?
Ya veremos, por el momento disfrutemos de nuestra hermosa lengua-el castellano, porque a partir del proximo post...todo sera en ingles...
there's only one way to master a language...and it is by using it.
Sin embargo, son varias las preguntas que se me vienen a la mente: Para quien escribimos? Para nosotros mismos? o Para alguien en especial? Es una especie de ' journal' donde uno puede escribir lo primero que se le venga a la mente sin importar las 'casualties' o tendre que hablar de las personas que cuidan los autos o del frio que hace en esta simpatica ciudad?
Es divertido. Recuerdo a mi profesora de Lengua Inglesa 3, que como tarea, siempre, o casi siempre habia que escribir un ensayo...lo comico de esto es que mientras se suponia que teniamos que escribir de situaciones reales, para asi poder tener coherencia en lo que escribiamos, ella nos daba el titulo de lo que teniamos que desarrollar. Entonces, al final terminaba escribiendo lo que ella queria leer y no lo que yo queria escribir. Ni hablar de las veces que cambie el titulo de los ensayos para poder expresar alguna idea propia, de las cuales estoy bastante contento.
El punto es, si escribir en esta 'hoja' en blanco sera lo mismo que mis clases de lengua inglesa? terminare razonando sobre gente o cosas que no conozco? o voy a escribir y perpetuar (por un tiempo) lo que mi mente deje fluir?
Ya veremos, por el momento disfrutemos de nuestra hermosa lengua-el castellano, porque a partir del proximo post...todo sera en ingles...
there's only one way to master a language...and it is by using it.
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