Justin is the kind of guy you would love to meet in any period of your lifetime.
I got to meet him last year.It is said that its no good to judge a book by its cover,but thats what I did with Justin;and I think that was the first time I was not wrong.There was nothing against him, he seemed a cool guy,very friendly and talkative...He didnt know a lot spanish back then but believe me that he was able to find the ways to make himself clear.
I was staying in La Plata for a week,and during that time We set a time to have some spanish classes.So We would meet at "Rektorado" at noon for classes.I was really surprised cuz He happened to know more Spanish that the one I was told or the one that he spoke to me the very first time I met him.
The short version of the story and the most amazing one is that I ended up living with him (and obviously with the rest of the gang).
And it is there where everything got started.
Justin's heart is "enorme", which is kinda strange for an only child.I remember finishing having dinner and while we were doing the dishes we would get into those deep conversations, and the interesting thing is that it hadnt been long since We had met.
He is way younger than me but his wisdom...WOW! its awesome!
I am the kind of guy that is always packed with questions.But not only question about ordinary life,but enquiries as regards the christian living and everytime I had one, I would go to him and he would always have an answer for it...or at least a word.
Time passed by, and I changed...or we changed.We didnt hang out o lot...and an unexpected situation would show me that I was taking Justin for granted. Sorry man! But fortunaltely,God provided with the right time and the right words to solve the situation.
What I also like about him is that he trusts me, and let me explain this...he wrestled while in his college years and somehow I was interested in this sport.I thought I was too old for it, or at least to learn something about it.However,he was really encouraging and taught me a couple of moves...and once in a while we would get into these "classes" where he always kicked my butt! but I like it!
But its his passion that catches my attention...His desire to share his faith is UNBELIEVABLE! Im not really sure, but He might be a bit discourage to do it for not having a lot of vocabulary in Spanish, but still he would go out off to campus to spread the word among the students from Odontologia and you should see his smile when he achieves it!
We have had our bad days but I love the fact that when We screw it up, we leave no room for our pridefullness and selfishness and we wont let the sun go down before things are fixed.
Im so glad that I may have the chance to live with him one more year...
oh,wait,...He is not perfect and you know why? he is a NCSTATE fan!
love you justin, and you know that!
fabs! gracias x el comentario en mi blog. me encanta recibir algo para leer de mis amigos. todavia no lei lo de "yastin", solo entre para escribirte esto. cuando lo lea, te mando algo. por lo pronto, habra q esperar un poquito. ja!. nos vemos, cuidate loco! te quiero.
Fabs...you better take back that part about Justin not being perfect because he's an NCSTATE fan! You might lose 2 good friends with that comment!!! Hahahah, jk, but you know...WOLFPACK ROCKS!!!!!!!! (tarholes stink)
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