Saturday, April 18, 2009

A love-hate relationship.

Gosh, I am so bad at keeping my blog updated. I haven't written anything since last year, and that was Sep 2008 a month after I got back from the States. I will blame it on Facebook. Why? Well, I spend most of my time checking my friend's status there. Or simply checking on their pictures what is a form of keeping posted with their lives.

To my surprise, statistics have recently shown that Facebook is not a good alley for students since those ones not spending time surfing the social network get better grades than the ones who are frequently users. There was another interesting finding. As Facebook users, we are slow at processing emotions and admiration. After reading a hundred of times that one of our contacts is having a crappy day, we lose the capacity for feeling sympathy for that person. I am not saying that Facebook is the cause of our failures in life, but apparently there is something going on.

So many times I have tried to cancel my account but then I don't do it. I have this idea that If I do, I will be disconnect from the rest of the world. Now, my question is: do I need Facebook to keep in touch with my friends? If the answer is yes, well then I suck as a friend. This is as if facebook was my personal secretary and I don't care about anything. She will tell me what's next or remind me of an event coming up. If I truly cared about people, I wouldn't need a social network to be informed of theirs lives. I would mail/call/text/email/fax/smoke sign them to know how they are doing. I have a friend who is not part of this virtual friendship. She keeps me posted with her life regularly. I got emails and pictures of her daughter and we chat once in a while. So that proves me that there is a world outside facebook.

Anyway, I don't want this entry to be a love-hate relationship since I find this website a decent place to store my pictures.
From now on, I will try to do my best to go back to my blog and talk about what's in my mind.
Wait a second...did you realize how many times I used the word Facebook on this entry: 8 freaking times! HILarious!

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